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  1. smiles4383

    I'm not sure what you mean by undulation? All week #1's, then all week #2's, all week #3's...

    I'm not sure what you mean by undulation? All week #1's, then all week #2's, all week #3's, then all week #4's??
  2. smiles4383

    power tower trouble

    Not as excited about it now that I have it up. :(
  3. smiles4383

    Eat To Live?

    I"ve recently been reading his newsletter. I have so many books..... I think I'll get it from the library.
  4. smiles4383

    Getting ready to do STS Round #2 on Sept 6, 2009

    Getting ready to do STS Round #2 on Sept 6, 2009
  5. smiles4383

    Is there a LIST / GUIDE for the Cathe STS TV segments?

    I was wondering if there is there a LIST or GUIDE which gives the individual links for each clip for the Cathe STS TV segments? I'd like to view them in order BEFORE I do my second round of STS..... The multitude of threads is a little more than my time will allow. A list or guide would...
  6. smiles4383

    Is there a LIST / GUIDE for the Cathe STS TV segments?

    I was wondering if there is there a LIST or GUIDE which gives the individual links for each clip for the Cathe STS TV segments? I'd like to view them in order BEFORE I do my second round of STS..... The multitude of threads is a little more than my time will allow. A list or guide would...
  7. smiles4383

    How Many Calories??

    Eat more....weigh less I spent years eating ~1500kc/day. I'm 5'8" tall I have 135" of lean body mass I do strength training 3-4 days a week I do cardio training 4-3 days a week 5 weeks ago I starting GRADUALLY increasing my calories. I'm now at between 1800-2200kc/d I feel SO MUCH...
  8. smiles4383

    food lovers diet

    I've seen it. From what I've seen / read it's about glycemic index foods. Pretty similar to CLEAN EATING
  9. smiles4383

    Tower code help

    Use the words - not the numbers. :)
  10. smiles4383

    Please keep the camera on CATHE during Shock Cardio

    Now is the time to share our preferences for Shock Cardio I just wanted to voice my view BEFORE the filming so that when it is done - I can be confident that at least I had an imput. I simply don't care for the cuts that throw the exercise off beat or rep. Now is the time to voice a view...
  11. smiles4383

    Please keep the camera on CATHE during Shock Cardio

    Thanks Cathe I absolutely LOVE what you are doing for my body. STS is everything I wish I knew years would have saved me a lot of time. My muscles are getting so much more defined... I'm excited for the upcoming additions to my Cathe Cardio collection. :) T.
  12. smiles4383

    Please keep the camera on CATHE during Shock Cardio

    First I want to CLARIFY....I am so loving STS. It is just awsome and the hard work and effort to make this 'my' workout has not gone unnoticed. Love, Love, Love it.... That being said - I have one difficulty with the current way of cutting to the rest of the crew and eliminating Cathe...
  13. smiles4383

    Is there another order option besides Credit Cards?

    Cathe, In the past I've always preordered online and then sent in my bank check. I don't use credit cards. I don't see that option on this preorder. Is there a possibility of paying my mail with a check (or even having it withdrawn from a checking account?) I don't want to miss out...
  14. smiles4383

    About STS Shock Cardio

    YipEE..... E X C I T E D....................... And people wonder why we LOVE Cathe so much!!! T.
  15. smiles4383

    Hungry horrors?

    Muscle growing is high calorie business. I've discovered an average 200-250kc/d increase in my intakes. I guess it will be the old gain muscle first...then go to cutting phase. I'm definitely stronger - struggling with the last two-three reps, BUT, finishing every exercise and...
  16. smiles4383

    I'm starting Tomorrow with Cardio ...Monday with Disc #1 Someone said Cathe is starting on...

    I'm starting Tomorrow with Cardio ...Monday with Disc #1 Someone said Cathe is starting on the 16th...there are so many threads here I don't have time to follow everything out.....see you on SP
  17. smiles4383

    Plan on starting Mesocycle #1 the week of Feb 8th, 2009

    I'm starting tomorrow with cardio. the 9th will be Disc #1 for me. I had already planned out my rotations for the year thinking STS would be here...I'm sticking with my plan. I've previewed all my DVD' problems with any of them. I have all my workout cards for Mesocycle #1 printed...
  18. smiles4383

    The mat Cathe uses on her "bench"

    Cut a Yoga Mat... I simply cut a yoga mat to fit my bench years ago. It works great....
  19. smiles4383

    Plan on starting Mesocycle #1 the week of Feb 8th, 2009

    Got them....... (I could have sworn that I responded to this yesterday....but evidently not.) I've been previewing STS since the I got them. They are wonderful. I have my first three workout cards ready to go. (I adapted them on a Word Document to make them more Terri-Friendly) I'm...