Search results

  1. L

    Cardio & Weights - GREAT workout

    hehe, she told you would, didn't she? I love that song, so I love that part. I downloaded the song onto my iPOD too. :)
  2. L

    Our Cathe Nation Home Page is Now Up

    hmmm, I didn't even choose that workout for today. It's slow and heave triceps and biceps and Body Max 2.
  3. L

    Our Cathe Nation Home Page is Now Up

    Hi admin2! I snuck a look at your's nice to see another male on this site! I do hope you'll keep posting, as well as admin'ing. :) And thanks for all you've done!
  4. L

    question about workout manager

    yes; I got it when I wasn't logged in. After I logged in, I didn't get that message anymore.
  5. L

    Missed you guys!!! (Pics)

    Those are amazing pictures! :)
  6. L

    Returning to exercise

    Hi again, What she said. You (and me too!) belong here. I know what you mean; it certainly can be intimadating, with so many very advanced people here. However, if you notice, you'll see there are many different levels of exercisers here, and....everyone begins somewhere, right??? I...
  7. L


    I guess one thing I should have mentioned is, that for temporary relief of sciatic pain, it helps to lay on your back and place a book under the hip. My ex-husband's childhood doctor told him that (he developed sciatia as a sympathy pain during my pregnancy!) and it helped both of with...
  8. L


    Hello, I first got sciatica with my first pregnancy. I know I have scoliosis, which is a contriuting factor (although I'm not convinced that the scoliosis isn't itself a sympton of something else mechanical in me). One thing I do know about the sciatica is that the less extra weight you...
  9. L

    Women's padded bike pants

    I just did a 150-mile, 2day ride to benefit MS. If you are going longer distance, I'd say, defnitley invest in the more expnsive shorts; you'll be glad.That's the info I found online and I found it very true. I purchases Pearl Izumi's Ultrasensor shorts; you can get them from REI, a...
  10. L

    My son is single and an ER doctor.

    Just want to wish you good luck and tell you I don't think you're crazy. Afterall, many people meet through the internet and you seem to have a very clear picture of your son, his personality, and his needs. (Might seem obvious to you, but I guess many people don't see their children so...
  11. L

    Where Can I Buy Original Health Club Step?

    I got mine at Dick's about 2 or 3 years ago. I wonder why your Dick's didn't have one? :(
  12. L

    Has anyone seen the BodyWorlds exhibit?

    I saw it in St. Paul, Mn 2 years ago. I agree with the good reviews. :) Definitely makes you want to treat your body well, doesn't it?
  13. L

    Slow and Heavy...gave me the shakes!!!!

    Oh, I guess I should be scared. I'm doing it for the first soon! Yesterday it was the 'shakin' like a chihuahua' one, and my chest is BURNING today. :) I especially like that going so slow on the chest exercises allows me to concentrate and drive with my chest....instead of compensating with...
  14. L

    itunes/temporary internet files

    yep, go ahead and delete them.:)
  15. L

    All in my head

    hhhmmmm, that's no good if your head isn't enjoying the new you and you just don't feel like the new you! I do have one thought, though. I lost between 80-90 lbs, and one night, when my family was watching tv and I was verrrryyyy bored, I put on my old fat jeans over the clothes I was wearing...
  16. L

    eHarmony experiences?

    Hello, I belonged very briefly, and my experience was that very few people 'matched' me, and NO ONE matched me close by, and I live in a metropolitan area (decent-sized population). The site seems geared to for people who want to find life partners, and to that end, expects you to be willing...
  17. L

    Re-gaining Trust in a Relationship?

    Anyone care to share how to gain back trust? Anecdoctal evidence from 3rd parties very acceptable...simply because I imagine many people would be reluctant to talk about such a personal matter. I am in a long-distance relationship, very serious, with someone who I see only a few months a...
  18. L

    Can I Ask A Personal Question?

    I don't have any experience with this, but I just wanted to lend you some support. I imagine it can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. I hope you get some good advice here. Oh, well, I guess I do have 2 cents or more to put in, even if it's just common, non-specific knowledge. Excuse me...
  19. L

    Computer question from a computer moron.......

    what else do you use the computer for? you may be able to get by (for now), IF you could do the install....but, as others have said, check Quicken's 2008 requirements and check to see how much RAM, etc,your computer has. Let us know if you need directions on doing that. But your backups...
  20. L

    Would this bother you???

    yes, it would absolutely bother me. Sexualizing a 14-year old is just wrong!