Slow and Heavy...gave me the shakes!!!!


WOW!!! Who knew lifting weights that I would normally not consider heavy under normal circumstances would be such a challenge!! I only did chest and back today, and can't wait to do the rest of the series later this week.

I was able to maintain my form despite the shaking, so I kept the weights right were they were when I started. Never realized how much lifting involves momentum, and when you take out the momentum, what a difference.

So glad I found Cathe, never ceases to amaze me with her knowledge and workouts!
One of my favorite phrases of Cathe's is during the triceps dips in S&H when she says that her arms are "shakin' like a chihuahua!";-)
Jerry, wait till you try Slow & Heavy + Power Hour combos! You'll feel so pumped and amazed at yourself for accomplishing it!

shakin' like a chihuahua

Now that's funny, I don't have that series. I may buy it just to hear that. Sounds like a good one.
>One of my favorite phrases of Cathe's is during the triceps
>dips in S&H when she says that her arms are "shakin' like a

This is exactly what I thought of when I read the post above yours. I love Slow and Heavy!
Cathe definitely has some hilarious one-liners in many of her workouts.... I can't help smiling whenever she admits she has an "out of body experience" during bicep work in Pyramid Upper Body!:D :D :D :D

I just got through a week of Slow and Heavy, and plan to rotate with it again next week. I LOVE it. It makes me shake in places where I didn't even know I had a muscle, ha ha. But I if you listen closely, you can hear me whimpering like a chihuahua from several states away.

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing and you'll hit it everytime --- anonymous
I don't think I've ever used S&H for more than a week. I think, for me personally, I just don't enjoy that type of lifting. But, after my current rotation, I'd like to commit to it for 3 wees just to see if I notice any benefits. I hardly ever use it but I've never considered putting it up for trade b/c I feel that one day, I'll give it a fair shot.
Holy Crap- I did S&H legs and shoulders on Wednesday and am still sore. I can hardly walk down the steps. If you want your thighs worked, this is the one. My quads are killing. I sure loved it though. I did the bis and tris this morning and liked that as well, will do chest and back probably on Sunday.
Oh, I guess I should be scared. I'm doing it for the first soon!

Yesterday it was the 'shakin' like a chihuahua' one, and my chest is BURNING today. :) I especially like that going so slow on the chest exercises allows me to concentrate and drive with my chest....instead of compensating with arms and shoulders like I normally do!!!

I wonder how long I shuold do the S&H series? Originally I thought 4 weeks, but reading around a bit, it seems that 3 might be better.
After doing GS 3-day split forever I finally got Slow and Heavy and I did the biceps/triceps tonight. I was so pleased there was ab work at the end and I hope there's ab work at the end of the other two workouts on the dvd. Whenever I get done with a GS workout I'm too exhausted to even THINK about pulling out Core Max. I wish all Cathe workouts had ab work because If it's at the end of the workout I just do it. If it's not, I don't. My core work is REALLY suffering because I haven't been able to figure out how to fit it in. BTW, I loved this workout. I think S&H will be a great compliment to GS and I hope to work in some full body weight training dvd's also.
I can't help jumping in here--SirenSongWoman, I wanted to let you know, whenever I'm doing a workout that doesn't have abs at the end, I do them first. Or, like with PUB, I do them first because I can't hold myself up on the ball after working my arms like that. I now prefer to do ab work before anything else, unless I know it's there at the end, like in SJP. Just my $.02! Hope it helps.

Good Morning:)
Sirensongwomen, I always do abs first to get it out of the way. Your right by the end of the weight or even cardio workouts i'm always so tired.
My rotation this month 1st week did 4DS this week is S&H next is GS then back to S&H. I love to mix it up like that. Slow and heavy makes me stronger and I see a good pump in my muscles:)
SirenSongWoman - I thought of you tonight after GS Legs (and before I saw the post to me -thanks again for that!) when I was getting ready to do abs. I really should try to remember to do them first too. For now, bikini season keeps me motivated no matter how tired I am ;)

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