Returning to exercise


Hi all! This is sort of an offshoot of my other post. I am returning to structured exercise after a loooong hiatus and was wondering....are there are any threads/forums where I'd find encouragement after being off the workout wagon? I've been visiting the site for a few months now and pre-ordered STS, but most of you are so far beyond my current fat and almost 40 year old self, I get discouraged. It has taken me 3 months to get the courage to post so I was wondering, Any suggestions on where I might belong?
Hi again,

What she said. You (and me too!) belong here.

I know what you mean; it certainly can be intimadating, with so many very advanced people here. However, if you notice, you'll see there are many different levels of exercisers here, and....everyone begins somewhere, right???

I tell you, I know it's discouraging when you start a workout and can't get through it, or only get through it with a lot of troule and then, even read how other people manage it well. But you know what is just so wonderful? When a few weeks later you put in the same workout and notice improvement! Enough improvement so you can even stop swearing at Cathe! :p And you think back and get proud of yourself and get encouraged to push yourself even more.

So, don't get down on yourself. Keep pushing through the doubts and you can be amazed at what you and your body and your mind can achieve!
Thank you for your encouragement!:) I look forward to the day I can again complete a Cathe workout without cursing the tv!;-)
>I tell you, I know it's discouraging when you start a workout
>and can't get through it, or only get through it with a lot of
>troule and then, even read how other people manage it well.
>But you know what is just so wonderful? When a few weeks later
>you put in the same workout and notice improvement! Enough
>improvement so you can even stop swearing at Cathe! :p And you
>think back and get proud of yourself and get encouraged to
>push yourself even more.

I agree! I've never bought a Cathe dvd that I could do all the way straight through the first time. That's actually what I like best about them though. When I spend my money, I'm expecting to improve my fitness level. If I could get through a workout the first time with no problem, I'd feel ripped off.
I have more than one Cathe DVD I haven't finished. For example, I'm up to 30 minutes of Imax 2, and it's a painful 30 minutes. :p
I agree--you belong here! We'll encourage you!

When I discovered Cathe, I was about 30 lbs overweight and had just discovered I was pregnant again. I just fell in love with her workouts, though, and modified, modified, modified. Post partum, I got into the best shape of my adult life--lost all the weight (very gradually) and gained lots of strength.

Keep track of what you do each workout and the next time you do that particular workout, try to do just a little bit more--5 min more cardio, or even just one more rep. I found that small, incremental, but consistant goals really added up over time.

ETA--Don't jump everything right at first--just keep experimenting with modifications that you can do and gradually add in the higher impact movements as your fitness level increases. You don't want to overdo it and get injured or totally turned off by exercise.

I'm pregnant again, so I'll have a hefty amount of weight to lose post partum--I'll be in the same boat you are and I'll be here for encouragement.

Keep us posted, ok?

Maybe I'm nuts (ok...I am nuts), but I like challenges and having room to grow. So when I find myself at the beginning of anything, whether it's a new workout or hobby or something like that, I get excited. It's like a new journey for me. Cathe's a journey, Cardio Coach is a journey, eating better is a journey, coming back from an injury...etc.

Kinda like the quote:

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few."

I like to keep a beginner's mind. :)
I agree with the other posters, you have to start somewhere, right?
I was never really overweight, but I was heavier then I am now when I first started working out again. I came across an artical in a fitness mag regarding Body Max, I then told my sister about it and she bought one for herself and one for me to. The following christmas she bought MIC and my collection kept growing.
I remember having to take numerous breaks during BM and well, MIC speaks for itself! But it is quit nice when I few monthes later you can pop in the same workout and feel the difference. Oh and how many times did I think I was gonna puke during Imax!? I to loved the challenge and hopefully you will to!

Good Luck!

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