Computer question from a computer moron.......


OK, here's my dilemma. I need to update my quickbooks to the 2008 version so I can keep getting my payroll updates. My work computer is not hooked up to the internet since we simply don't need it and we are out in the sticks so it is really expensive to get high speed and we only have 1 phone line. I run a small trucking company and am desperately trying to "make do" with what we have since we don't have any extra money laying around these days. At the moment the fuel man seems to get every last penny.:( But, I digress......

I'm currently using windows 98. Yes, windows 98. It is the system that was in place when we took over the company 6 years ago. QB 2008 requires XP or Vista. I have an XP CD from my laptop. Is it possible for me to use that CD to update to XP, especially since it is not going to be a computer used online? And, if I do/can, will I lose my files currently on Windows 98? I have several billing files in "works" and several files in "word" that I use almost daily. It would also be quite a chore to save these files since I can only save to a floppy with this computer. Currently it takes 12 floppys to backup my quickbooks. It's a bit of a pain, but it's not too bad....certainly worth it to save a few hundred bucks on a new system.

I tried to update with the XP CD last week and the computer wouldn't accept the update without updating windows online. I was going to bring the computer home so that I could get on the internet and update and then hopefully the computer would accept the XP CD. But I don't even know if I will be able to do that.

So, I'm torn....I want to do this as cheaply as possible and this system has worked fine. However, if I have to upgrade I guess that's what I'll do. I would probably have a local computer place take the info out of my computer and put it into the new once since I have no idea how the heck to do that.

So, is using the old system do-able or should I just bite the bullet and get a new computer with a new OS?

Thanks in advance for any help.
I think we've been thru something similar to this and it was a huge headache. We got it "fixed" and then started having issues and then ended up buying a new computer anyway! gah! i'll ask my DH though if he knows what you can do but I may not be able to pin him down for a few days as things are crazy right now. Sometimes there are self-employed people who fix computers for a living or on the side and you may find them listed in the phone book. They are cheaper than say Best Buy. You could atleast get their educated opinion on the phone about it maybe.
I don't know anything about quickbooks but I know DH did mess with operating systems more than once on more than one computer.
And a floppy.... oh my I don't think I've seen one of those since I was a kid! but if it works great. ;)
a computer that is 6+ years old may not have the hard drive, processor speed, RAM, etc. necessary to run a newer operating system, recent software, etc. while it seems like the new computers that are SOOOOOOOO much faster than their counterparts from only a few years ago she be able to fly through anything, the reality is that new software requires more and more from the computers it runs on.

if you start trying to get your software too far ahead of your machine, you're going to run into needing to upgrade parts of the machine.... more memory, etc. and it will likely end up as expensive and more trouble than just replacing the computer to begin with. You can get a computer for really cheap these days.... it's probably worth it.
Not that I'm a supporter of Bill Gates but if you use the cd from your laptop to update the work computer you have exceeded the copyright.

Windows XP also requires validation after install. Usually by connecting to MS through the net or calling a tollfree line.

I would splurge on a new computer. There are deals available. Look online at Dell, HP or TigerDirect. Quite often they offer refurbished, off-lease used or slightly older computers at greatly reduced prices.

Afterwards you should be able to import your old Quickbooks archives to the new version

Just my $.02
what else do you use the computer for?
you may be able to get by (for now), IF you could do the install....but, as others have said, check Quicken's 2008 requirements and check to see how much RAM, etc,your computer has. Let us know if you need directions on doing that.

But your backups concern me. Backing up to floppies does not seem like a very safe option to me. What about an external hard drive? It is your business, afterall. And you can make a batch script to backup automatically, at night, every night. If you're backing up to floppies manually, something tells me that you're not backing up on a daily basis. Surely your data changes on a daily basis?
I generally work 2-3 days per week. I back up once per week....usually, even though I know I should backup every day. I only use it to run my QB and use the word and works files as well. I also use trip maker to get some milages. That's pretty much it.

You all have convinced me to bite the bullet and get a new system. I'm calling my local computer store to see what it will cost for them to get me a new computer and install all my old info on it. They put together my new laptop and have I've had no problems so I do trust them.

Thank you all for your input. I really do appreciate it!! I now feel comfortable with my decision to make the must be done!;-)

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