hhhmmmm, that's no good if your head isn't enjoying the new you and you just don't feel like the new you!
I do have one thought, though. I lost between 80-90 lbs, and one night, when my family was watching tv and I was verrrryyyy bored, I put on my old fat jeans over the clothes I was wearing then and walked out into the room. Neither of my two teenage kids, nor my on my way-to-being-ex-husband had realized how much weight I had lost; their jaws dropped, they couldn't believe the difference.
My point......even in their heads, I was the 'old' me. My daughter, then aout 13, told me that she had a mental picture of me in her head, and that it hadn't changed.
I guess that night changed it. From her comments about me now, it's clear she perceives me as a small person.
So.....have you paraded about in your old fat clothes, and watched your fat jeans fall to the floor if you don't hold them up?
Just a thought,that might help. Doing that not only changed my family's mental image of me, but made me realize just how far I had come.
Other things I did....I lay old fat jeans under my new smaller-sized jeans and looked at the differences in sizes. Buying form-fitting clothes really helped. Feedback from others really, really helped.
Becoming aware of myself as a small person really helped. I noticed, as I got smaller, how much less space I took up in my chair at work, how there was more room in the bath tub,how flying was more comfortable,how I didn't have to stretch the seatbelt so far when in the car, how a small towel from the gym could go around my body. All, all those things helped me feel like the 'new' me tremendously....how I fit in relation to the world around me. Have you noticed those things? It really helped me!
Congrats on what you've done. I really admire people who accomplish these things!