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  1. C

    Found an old Cathe video

    This summer I went to my favourite record shop in downtown Hamilton where I live. They sell new and used CDs, DVDs, records, tapes, VHS, and video games. I was rummaging through the used VHS tapes and found an old Cathe video called Fit and Firm. It was a lot of fun seeing a very young Cathe and...
  2. C

    I love the Power Hour DVD

    I really love the Power Hour workout too. I split the upper and lower body section up and do lower one day and upper the next when I'm in a time crunch. The music is great and the pace keeps going and never drags. You know you've worked hard but the time really flies!
  3. C

    Lost hampster! Where to look?

    I had a cute little hamster named Sausage a few years ago. One evening, I noticed that she was gone from her cage. I don't know how she got out as the door to her cage was not open! Talk about a Houdini disappearing act! Anyway, I had a small dresser drawer that I stored in my closet because I...
  4. C

    Creating a Rotation

    Why guidelines do you use when creating a rotation and how long do you stay with the rotation?
  5. C

    Going on vacation- need aerobic video with little step ...

    Hope this doesn't sound dumb, but how about trying one of Cathe's step videos on the floor without the step? Could be done as a sort of Hi/Lo type workout.
  6. C

    Upper body and Lower body videos?

    I have both CTX leaner legs and Upper body and both the Pyramids. If you get one set, you'll definitely want to get the other set eventually.
  7. C

    A New Look For Our Site

    Wow, Cathe! And I thought your site looks great already! You guys are amazing!
  8. C

    Mini Step or Stool

    Is it that grey and black reeboc step? I use the original The Step bench with the square risers that stack. If so, then you can't use these type of risers with The Step bench. Perhaps if you go to a fitness store they might have used risers for that type of Reeboc step.
  9. C

    Donna gettinfit@39 on TV

    RE: LIVID over this!................ Hi Donna, How horrible! It's really disgusting how companies will use any tactic to peddle their wares. You should look into getting a legal opinion. It's not right that they are using your image to sell their product without your consent. All that...
  10. C

    Mini Step or Stool

    I also have purchased extra risers and use them with my long step. I really would like the mini step topper as it will be less cumbersome, but for now my regular step does the trick.
  11. C

    Difference between Muscular Endurance and Strength Trai...

    Cathe's muscle endurance workout is a form of strength training. It just uses lighter weight and more reps. This method won't cause a lot of muscle to be built, it will lean them out more. Workouts with heavier weight and less reps helps to build more muscle. I think it's a good idea to include...
  12. C

    How often... Pyramids??

    I did PUB twice a week, then PLB twice a week. Never did PUB & PLB together in one day. Imagine the sheer torture!
  13. C

    Staying Cool!

    I keep a spray bottle filled with room temperature water to spray on my face when working out. I find the reason why I give up exercising in hot weather is because my face heats up so fast. As long as my face is cool, the rest of my body can take the heat. I did a very stupid thing last...
  14. C

    weight training routines

    This is just my opinion, but I think it's a good idea to stick to a workout series for 3-4 weeks. That way you can see how your body responding to the workout. So do Pure strength for 3 weeks, track how you felt, how your muscles reacted in a journal. Then try Slow&Heavy for the next 3 weeks and...
  15. C

    SNM Videos -- Price of high step topper?

    Hi SNM, Wondering if there's any new info about buying the topper separately? Any idea on the price?
  16. C

    Barbell weights

    Thanks, Calico. I thought that's what Cathe meant, but just wanted to make sure. She's amazingly strong that I thought she added in addition to the bar's weight!
  17. C

    Barbell weights

    Cathe or anyone else, When Cathe says I'll be using 40 pounds on the barbell, does she mean that the plates she puts on the bar are 40 pounds in total or does she mean the total weight of the plates plus the bar's weight. My barbell bar weighs 17 pounds on its own, so if I added 2 20pd...
  18. C

    High Step Update

    Will the high step be available to Canadians through CK Sales?
  19. C

    I'd love....

    I second that! There are days when I just don't feel like doing all the jumping type moves, but still want the intensity!
  20. C

    Are you from Canada, eh?

    Bri, When I lived in Oakville, I lived fifteen minutes away from the YMCA. Could've run into you!