RE: What timing!
Hi Debbie! I'm soooooo sorry to hear about Tito. I really am. I will say a prayer for him. Have you heard of the poem Rainbow Bridge? I will be happy to post it when I get home later if you would like. It has been helping me "cope" with the sudden death of our 7 year old black lab, Dakota, two weeks ago (he had an unexpected heart attack and collapsed in front of us---ugh, hurts so bad to even type this...I'm still in disbelief).
Rainbow Bridge is a beautiful, beautiful poem of a peaceful place where our pets live on forever and while they are very happy there, they think of us often. Suddenly one day, when our calling has come, we go to rainbow bridge and see our pet across the meadow playing with all of their friends. They look up and spot us.... they are consumed with excitement and run like wild over to us. We have the most emotional greeting ever and once again we enjoy their scent, their touch, and all their adorable mannerisms, that we have known all so well and never forgotten. Then we go on to live in peace with our pets for ever and ever. Okay, are you crying yet? Me too!
I have not been able to get to the forums in a long time and this morning I was here in the office working on the videos (with a blown up picture of Dakota here at my side), and decided to take a break and look over the forums. How bizarre that this is the first post that I looked at. Well, I say all things happen for a reason so I hope that my visit with you here today brought you some comfort in knowing that Tito is having a wonderful time at Rainbow Bridge and is looking forward to seeing you again some far away day from now.
Take care and I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer for little Tito!