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  1. S

    Cathe, Question About Your Well-Rounded Bottom!

    You can read their bios by going to the home page and finding the behind the scenes link on the left of the page. then click on say, the intensity series, then on meet the crew. Most list their ages, and some their heights.
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    Very frustrated!

    I'm only doing S&H legs/shoulders once a week, and I'm running 3 times a week in between the 3 S&H workouts. The deadlifts are in with the back work (I missed them too when I first did the legs W/O, so was happy to find them with chest/back). I'm lifting as much as I can safely get over my...
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    Very frustrated!

    Hi Lynne. I believe my hamstrings are genetically tough to firm!! At 38, I am finally seeing some muscle definition back there with the slow and heavy series- I'm in my third week of a 4 week cycle with it. I'm so impressed with the results from S&H that I'm not wanting to move on to my...
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    Nursing and Ovulation (and Weaning? )

    RE: Putting on my NFP instructor's hat I saw a thin dark line where the gum meets the tooth on her front left medial incisor ( she slept on her left as she nursed to sleep), so I took her to the pediatric dentist. Before I did the cold turkey thing(the same day I'd seen the tooth decay) I had...
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    Nursing and Ovulation (and Weaning? )

    RE: Putting on my NFP instructor's hat I weaned my daughter at 14 months, and it really was much easier on both of us than I had imagined it would be. I was like you, fearing that she'd feel saddened, angry, or worst of all- hurt and rejected by the weaning, but it only took 2 nights of crying...
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    Diet plan to get weight moving down again??

    You may already do these, but just in case: Eating 5or 6 smaller meals rather than 3 larger ones; Zig-zagging calories- If you eat, say 1800 calories a day, your week might look like this: Mon: 1600 cal.'s Tues: 2000 Wed: 1300 Th: 2300 Fri: 1600 Sat: 2000 Sun: 1800 So...
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    Pregnancy Fitness Video

    Hi. I'm not Cathe either, but some Cathe-ites on this site liked a video on this site: I haven't tried it (I'm not pregnant, but hope to be soon!), but it looks advanced. You can watch a clip, and the woman who made it is a former acrobat form Circe-de-sole (sp)...
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    OT : tatoos and laser treatments

    Hi Tammy. Yeah, it is the site I'm not happy with( my deltoid area). My hubby has a job that requires us to attend lots of formals, and it is really hard to find formal dresses with sleaves. Plus, I hate covering up my arms because they are probably my best body part. The plastic surgeon...
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    OT : tatoos and laser treatments

    Hi everyone. I have a tatoo that I got years ago (after my divorce). I've had 5 laser treatments to get rid of it, but all they did was fade it some. Has anyone had a good, or bad, experience with these treatments? I'm wondering if I should give up, or keep forking out the dough! Thanks for...
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    Slow & Heavy-NO GOOD?!

    I've read that SUPER SLOW is not so beneficial, but I just got the slow and heavy series DVD, and on Legs and Shoulders at least (the only one I've done so far), the count is 2 and 6, very different from the 5 and 10 in the article you read. I've read on this site that a lot of people have...
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    HELP! Anyone doing Physique Transformation?

    Thanks for the response, and ecouragement. I've decided to give it a try. As suspected, my calories are currently too low (I've been working out in the morning, and then slumming around most of the day due to way low energy for the last 2 weeks or so). I hope it woks because I just want a...
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    Hi Shemac1 and firmnurse

    Congratulations, Rhonda. It sounds like you are on your way!! Please keep us posted, and good luck on the next tests! Sheila
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    HELP! Anyone doing Physique Transformation?

    I'm thinking of starting PT, too. I've just reached my goal weight using Leanness Lifestyle, but my caloric intake is so low that I can't imagine doing this as a lifestyle, and I still don't have the muscle definition that I expected to have by now. Slow and Heavy just came in the mail...
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    Best and most informative book(s)

    "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by James F. Clapp, M.D. is a must have for the more seriously active pregnant woman. Good Luck!
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    I may be pregnant!

    You do need to discuss your workouts with your physician. I also recommend the book, "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by James F. Clapp, M.D. . If your local bookstore doesn't have it, you can get it through There is a lot that you can do with your doctor's clearance, and the...
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    wondering about Rhonda

    My guess was that she was around 5'8", but I think Mogambo is right- it may be because Cathe and the others are so petite!!
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    wondering about Rhonda

    That's so funny- I had no idea there were bios. on the site and there it all is_ her diet and workout schedule. Too bad she doesn't discuss her bodyfat percentage!! LOL Thanks so much, JO. This helps a lot, and gives me a good idea of what it takes to get where I want to be : ) Sheila
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    wondering about Rhonda

    Here is a weird question for you: Does anyone know Rhonda's, from Cathe's crew, stats. such as height and weight(size)? I think I'm about her height, and my bone structure is similar, so I'm wondering what sort of weight/body fat it takes to have her level of definition? I'm always amazed at...
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    Walking Lunges

    Okay, I found the description from a previouse post, and now that I look at it, I'm not so sure anymore. I think it means that each time a leg lunges, it is one lunge. If this is true, that means I've been doing 200, not 100 lunges. Oh, please be true! Can you guys read it and tell me what it...
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    Walking Lunges

    No, she means 200 EACH leg. I know because there was a description of how to do them on a previous post, and it described 1 rep as doing a lunge with one leg and then the other. It isn't as bad as it sounds, though. The first time I tried I was able to do 4 sets of 25 with only a quick "shake...