I may be pregnant!


I posted this in the pregnancy forum - but I"ll repeat here too!

I need to know what I can and can't do! Can I still do barbell squats, barbell lunges etc. I'm sure I could still lift heavy for the first few months, but then after that, I would imagine that I'd have to tone it down as I get bigger?

I'm just asking the educated crowd what I can do at first and then what I can't later? What about abs? I have many questions,

Anyone have any answers?????????????

I know this isn't the answer you want to hear but you will need to discuss your fitness routine with your doctor. A general rule of thumb is that you can remain active if you are healthy & low risk but you will have a "weight lifting limit."
You do need to discuss your workouts with your physician. I also recommend the book, "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by James F. Clapp, M.D. . If your local bookstore doesn't have it, you can get it through Amazon.com.
There is a lot that you can do with your doctor's clearance, and the mantra will remain the same:"Listen to your body".
You can also visit Babyfit.com for fun.
Good luck and congratulations!!!

Yes, I will be discussing it with my doctor - for sure. I just thought I'd get a head start by asking some people here! thanks, I'll check out the website!

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