OT : tatoos and laser treatments


Hi everyone. I have a tatoo that I got years ago (after my divorce). I've had 5 laser treatments to get rid of it, but all they did was fade it some. Has anyone had a good, or bad, experience with these treatments? I'm wondering if I should give up, or keep forking out the dough!

Thanks for any input,
From what I understand, the treatment phase is long. Especially if you have color! There are certain colors that may take 3-6 extra treatments. I think one of those colors was blue, but don't quote me on that one. I'm remembering from a tv show I saw on TLC. I recall that the treatments tend to take 8-15 sessions to fade a tattoo to the point of not seeing it.

I have to ask, though... since you did get the tat in the first place, would you consider the following? Now that the original is faded, you could put another (different and better) tattoo on to cover what's left of the old one. Unless, of course, you've changed your mind about the location. There are several artists that are very skillful in the art of the cover-up. I know of a couple in the Chicago area if you're by me. And if you're not by me, I could ask my artist about other artists in your area.
Hi Tammy. Yeah, it is the site I'm not happy with( my deltoid area). My hubby has a job that requires us to attend lots of formals, and it is really hard to find formal dresses with sleaves. Plus, I hate covering up my arms because they are probably my best body part.

The plastic surgeon who did my 5 treatments had estimated that it would take 3 to 5 treatments to fade it, so when 5 came around and it was still visible, I lost confidence in the guy. Your estimate of 8 to 15 treatments sounds more realistic!
Thanks for the info.


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