Diet plan to get weight moving down again??


Hey..I've been stuck at the same weight since March, anything you ladies do to get that needle to move in the negative again..I've already boosted up exercise, so its gotta be the diet, any secrets you have that work for you??
You may already do these, but just in case:
Eating 5or 6 smaller meals rather than 3 larger ones;
Zig-zagging calories- If you eat, say 1800 calories a day, your week might look like this:
Mon: 1600 cal.'s
Tues: 2000
Wed: 1300
Th: 2300
Fri: 1600
Sat: 2000
Sun: 1800
So your total calories for the week are the same as if you ate 1800 each day, but varying them keeps your body from getting "used to" your intake.

These are 2 tricks to keep your metabolism fired up, even if you are dieting.
Good luck!

I never tried the zig-zagging with the calories, its worth a shot..already eat 5-6x's a day. I will try the zigzag though, thanks:7
1. drink at least 6 glasses of water per day
2. get at least 5 servings of fruits or veg per day
3. CUT OUT breakfast cereal. Eat a whole grain, like oatmeal instead.
4. Journal what you eat, even how much T of marg or salad dressing.
5. At dinner or other meals, eat one serving of meat and starch, fill up with veggies or lowfat dairy.
6. eat 3 servings of lowfat dairy perday

I think these were key for helping me lose the last 20 lbs.

I do the zig zag approach. It really works! I try to eat healthy 85% of the time, and drink lots of water. I eat mostly yogurts, fruits, fresh veggies, salads, peanut butter, eggs, beans, rice, etc...I am not a big meat eater, so I usually like to eat soy products for some extra protein.
I also like the zig zag approach because I know some days I get to eat a bit more than others. It works out because somedays I'm hungrier than others. It is the calorica average over 7 days that rally matters. When I stay at the same caloric level, my body seems to adapt so keeping it guessing works for me.
I've just got back on the bandwagon and for me BFL works great. One week in and I have lost 1/2" off hips and waist. Not sure about weight loss as I haven't made it to the scale at the gym yet this week.

Well, I know a lot of people don't like Atkins, but I swear by it. I lost 30 lbs in 8 weeks, & I know if I want to drop 5-10 lbs fast I can do >20 carbs a day & have at least 5 lbs gone in a week. Also it's the easiest diet I've ever done. It's simple to follow & you're never hungry.
I completely agree Maximus, however, I've mentioned this type of diet a few times on this forum and it is criticized for being unhealthy. I do realize once your body in ketosis you burn A LOT of fat, but it's tough on your kidneys (and liver-I think), but it's short term for very quick weight loss.
Susan C.M.:D
Right, but the problem is if you don't stay on it you'll gain it all right back again. I take a ton of supplements--multivitamin, extra C & zinc (this is the biggest problem I've had since it plays havoc on the immune system w/the loss of fruits), & calcium.

It's been 2 years on Atkins (or modified Atkins) for me & (knock wood) I'm a perfectly healthy, 108 lb 36 year old woman.
It's amazing how different everyone is. Weight Watchers stopped working for me, I felt weak and always craved on Atkins and barely lost anything, and I gained weight on Body For Life. But, on South Beach Diet, I lose weight and feel great (after about 3 days, of course). I eat approximately the same calories but I'm eating more protein and only low glycemic carbs. I also notice my definition gets much, much better while I'm eating this way.

I think it goes without saying that one prescription does not work for everyone!
That is really strange since SBD is a modified, less restrictive Atkins. You're right about us all being different though. I stayed buff all through my 20s on low fat, but once I hit my 30s it was an uphill battle & I went from 110 to 140 in about 3 years (same diet & exersize routine). So much of it depends on genetics & metabolism.

I definitely miss my pasta & sweets, but I feel much better having the extra weight off. I did feel kind of week during the first month or so of Atkins--in fact, I was lifting about 5 lbs less than normal w/most of my exersizes. But my body adjusted & now I'm back to where I was before I started.

And what's really cool is after I binge (which I do ever couple of weeks, just take one day & eat whatever I want without feeling guilty) & carb out, I have these really incredible lifting workouts the next day. Like that infusion of carbs, which my body is no longer used to, makes me feel really strong.

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