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  1. F

    depressed from taking a week off

    I'm the same way--in the morning I emerge from my bedroom in a grumpy mood, make my way downstairs to the exercise room, and after working out, voila! I come back upstairs a new woman. Amazing. I completely agree that exercise changes brain chemistry! I also have to force myself to take days...
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    water retention

    RE: LOL and DH You know, I first wondered what LOL meant too, but after reading it in context so many times I took it to mean something like "Holy S--T!" haha Also, does DH mean "dear husband" or something to that effect? Again, I'm trying to figure it out from the context in which it's...
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    Anybody know about........

    Hi, Kristina! The book you mentioned--does it give any advice about what the best way to deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diet or otherwise? I wake up in the morning with a flat stomach but then I eat even a small meal and I bloat up and look like a pregnant woman! I had a barium...
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    Circuit Max

    Hi, everyone! I have a question I hope some of you may be able to help me with. I am contemplating purchasing Circuit Max--the format sounds fun, but in my rotations I do quite a bit of weight training (I have MIS, PS Series and S&H series). So the question is: Would it be okay to do Circuit...
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    New Charlene Prickett

    RE: Charlene Thank you Murph! I will get one or both of those tapes. Keep getting better! Denise
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    Just wondering?....

    haha! You are too funny! They just don't realize how lucky they are! Mine is 41, and he is just a little too cocky about his physique, so recently when he went from a 31 to a 33 waist and was upset about it, I told him how much I sympathize--but inside I was smiling away! And of course...
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    New Charlene Prickett

    RE: Charlene Hi, Murph! Hope you are progressing along quickly in your recovery! Although I have been doing Cathe for a while now, I'm fairly new here at Cathe's site (the best discovery I ever made!). I read in the forums about your injury and hope you are doing better--how frustrating not...
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    weight training books

    Hi, Lisa! Last Sunday I spent at least two hours going through all the weight training books at Borders bookstore--there were so many! I was looking for exactly what you have mentioned. The problem was that most of them were "women's" weight training books and they were very wimpy--all the...
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    Where can I find low priced equipment?

    Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to give me all that great info! Time for me to do some searchin'! I'm sure I'll find what I need thanks to your help! Also, I agree with you about the padded barbell--it would be great for lower body work, but doesn't seem like it would feel natural...
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    Donna, same here. I'm don't know exactly the details of what happened, but it was obviously a family tragedy. You sound so strong, though. Keep up the faith. She is lucky to have a mom like you! Denise
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    Just wondering?....

    Jillybean: I had to laugh at what you wrote about fattening food not affecting your husband--I get so envious when my husband sits and eats a half a bag of full-fat chips, huge bowl of ice cream, etc., while I sit there with my pitiful little cup of fat-free yogurt. This man has a beautiful...
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    Where can I find low priced equipment?

    Oops, sorry Haslina--I spelled your name wrong!
  13. F

    PS vs. MIS

    Hello Likes2bfit! Sorry about the delayed response here--ever have a week or so that you just don't quite make it to the computer? Not often, I'm too addicted to this forum, but it was one of those weeks! I want to thank you for your info on the PS series. I am also a big fan of doing...
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    Where can I find low priced equipment?

    Hadlina, does Play It Again Sports have a web site for buying, or is it a store you went to? The reason I ask is that I only have a huge 6-foot (15 or 20 lb.) barbell, and I feel like if I move the wrong way when I use it I might wipe out anything or anyone in that vicinity, or put a hole...
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    Gee, you must be tired of sending all these out--it's really kind of you. Would you please send the rotations to me at my email address: [email protected] Thanks so much! Denise
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    New Charlene Prickett

    Another "Thank You!" from me, Stacy! Funny how often someone gives advice on a question I'm just about to post! Brilliant minds think alike, right? I absolutely adore Cathe, but I have a bad knee that acts up when I do too much high impact exercise. It drives me crazy because I prefer the...
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    PS vs. MIS

    Thank you all for answering my question! I didn't realize that MIS was more of an endurance tape, although I should have figured it out on the days I kept putting my VCR on pause to "suck up more energy" before moving on; otherwise I would have had to lower my weight, which I didn't want to do...
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    PS vs. MIS

    Hi everyone! I am hoping that someone can answer this question for me: What is the benefit of doing the PS series vs. the MIS tape? The reason I ask is that when I looked at the breakdown on time spent on each bodypart, you really only end up working a few minutes more on each one than in MIS...
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    Protein Supplements

    Lori and Beets, thanks so much for your advice! I will just use the protein powder on the days I'm too busy to get enough in from my diet. I also thought that you needed a little over a gram of protein per day for each pound of body weight, so I thought I needed much more than I actually do...
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    Protein Supplements

    Thanks for the advice, Cathe! I do take a daily multivitamin which I will continue to do. Also, thanks for sharing your experience with creatine--I bloat easily enough now without any extra help!