PS vs. MIS


Hi everyone! I am hoping that someone can answer this question for me: What is the benefit of doing the PS series vs. the MIS tape? The reason I ask is that when I looked at the breakdown on time spent on each bodypart, you really only end up working a few minutes more on each one than in MIS (with the exception of the legs tape!). I would really appreciate anyone's input on this.

I am thinking of getting S&H instead, because such a long period of time is devoted to each body part.

Thank you everyone for always being so helpful--I am fairly new to this website and I think it's great to have a place to go to ask questions to other fitness-minded people and to see all the support and encouragement given. It's really addictive--my husband is always saying "Are you on that Cathe website AGAIN?" haha

Anyway, I would love to hear from you about my dilemma about getting the PS series. Thank you!
I think that the focus of PS and MIS are different: PS is a strength-building series, while MIS is more of a muscular endurance workout. In PS, you'll go slower and heavier, with a bit more rest between sets, in MIS, you just keep going - I find it to be far more painful to get through than PS, but both are great workouts! S and H takes strength building to the next level, where Cathe gives you a full minute between sets to recover, with the reps themselves done very slowly, to eliminate any momentum that we might use to cheat! All three compliment one another nicely. Get them all! And don't forget Power Hour, the mother of all muscular endurance workhouts - this one is also a killer, but FUN! Hope this helps.

The pro (for me) of MIS are that you hit all bodyparts on one tape. So even if you just do it 1x a week (maybe you're short on time at the end of the week), you still hit all parts.

The pro for PS is that it's shorter (except for legs, it's about 30mins of "pure" work I think), so it'd be easier to fit it in. But you have to do all 3 videos throughout the week to get results, which is my problem- I tend to get busier as the week goes on. I think it also hits muscles harder, and it's set up so you can focus on just 1 or 2 (or 3) muscle groups, rather than all of them.
I haven't timed it so I don't know for sure, but I think the added time to each body part on S&H is longer because you have a longer break between each set. I love both S&H and PS. They are great muscle building workouts--a goal I have fought to achieve, but am getting there thanks to these series.

I don't have MIS YET but have it on my perpetual video wish list.

S&H is really good! I finally put it to rest after doing it since November. Cathe said it should be used as a short rotation but it was really such a good series it was hard to wean. It does take a full hour for just 2 body parts, but after doing mostly endurance workouts the concept of doing things that slow was just so amazing for me! LOL. I also love the fact that the Leg workout was just right. Not too tough and it packed on muscle for my skinny legs! It was the workout I was looking for all this time! No more fast and light leg workouts that just make my legs skinnier! Thanks Cathe!
Thank you all for answering my question! I didn't realize that MIS was more of an endurance tape, although I should have figured it out on the days I kept putting my VCR on pause to "suck up more energy" before moving on; otherwise I would have had to lower my weight, which I didn't want to do! The idea of having a full minute between sets sounds like such a luxury! Knowing how Cathe works though, I'm sure that full minute is much needed! haha

I am definitely getting both PS and S&H. My goal has been to put on extra muscle mass, so I am looking forward to starting ASAP! I especially think I'll like S&H because when I lift weights on my own (not often since I got MIS--it's just not the same!) I tend to do exactly that--lift slow and heavy!
Hi fit4life. I just wanted to chip in and let you know my thoughts on PS. I like PS because the 2 upper body tapes allow you to fit in a cardio workout too since the y are short in length.

I like to do the PS series ech once per week, with cario after for 30". Then I will add Body Max or Circuit Max in once per week and one more day of cardio. With this mix each body part gets worked 2 days, and you also get 5 days of cardio in. I'm just finishing a 6 week rotation of this.

Good luck in your decision :)
Hello Likes2bfit!
Sorry about the delayed response here--ever have a week or so that you just don't quite make it to the computer? Not often, I'm too addicted to this forum, but it was one of those weeks!

I want to thank you for your info on the PS series. I am also a big fan of doing weight work and cardio on the same day--it kind of gives variety to the workout and makes it go by faster, not to mention the feeling of having accomplished so much! I was splitting MIS leg portion with 30 minutes cardio one day, then MIS upper body the next with 30 minutes cardio, which I really enjoyed, but it's been about 6 months! and I need a change to confuse those muscles!

Anyway, I ended up purchasing both PS and S&H. I'm excited to try them both, they have not arrived yet. I also ordered a couple of other Cathe videos: Cardio Kicks and Imax. I was just in that oh, the hell with it--I'm buying these videos! type of mood. I'll definitely be checking the mail to get the credit card statement before hubby does this month! haha

Thanks again for your advice! Never mind the typos--I know what you meant! :)

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