Protein Supplements


I just posted this on Cathe's forum, but thought I'd try here as well, since you all sound so educated on these things!
I purchased some whey protein powder at GNC, my goal being to build more muscle and definition. I was wondering if anyone else uses protein supplements and how effective you found them to be.
Also, I was very tempted to purchase other products they had for muscle building such as creatine and conjugated lineic acid (CLA). Has anyone tried any of these? They sure make them look attractive--I wanted to try everything! However, they are quite expensive and thought I'd ask here first.

Thanks for any advice you might have!
HI!!!! I will give you my .02 cents on this subject. ANY health, muscle, any magazine you read promotes the great protein boost that whey protein can give you. I use 1 sc. everyday, mixed in my soy milk, and add it to my cereal. It gives an extra added protein punch for me. You can also mix it in a blender, w/ some water, and a pc. of fruit. That is also very good. I would not use it as my only source of protein though. It is just a good one to include in moderation in your daily diet. I used to use creatine, but in the last few weeks, I quit. I am kinda short, and not really stocky, but I feel that way sometimes. I am just afraid that it is making me more so. I have read very many differing opinions on CLA. It is said that you have to use it for awhile before you see any real results, and it can be expensive. I am for once just trying to eat healthy, and exercise to get my dream body!!!!
Protein supplements are really not necessary unless you are a really busy person who just does not have the time to eat properly. Generally, it is best to get the nutrients you need from food. These protein powders are not doing any magic. What makes you build muscle is proper weight training and recovery. If you eat well, you do not need supplements. If you are trying to gain muscle, I would suggest that you keep a food log and see how many calories, carbs, fat and protein you are consuming. If you lack something, find a food that will fill the requirement. In terms of protein, you would want to consume approximately 1.5 grams per kg bodyweight per day (to change your weight to kilograms simply divide your weight in pounds by 2.2). It is easy to get enough protein from the diet (chicken, beef, tuna, nonfat milk, nonfat cottage cheese, nonfat yogurt, etc). Along with the protein, you will be getting other nutrients like calcium and various vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Basically every food has a little protein in it. While vegetables and most cereals may not be a high source of protein, they do contribute to the bottom line and you will be surprised at how quickly the grams add up! I occasionally use protein powders but I personally cannot stand the taste so only use it on those days when I am too busy to consume regular meals.
I have been wondering the very same thing so I hope somebody out there has some input. GNC stores confuse me because there are SO MANY products and they all seem kind of intriguing to me. Do they work? Is it worth the money? Do I need this stuff? Will it help me progress to the point where I want to be physically? Help!
Lori and Beets, thanks so much for your advice! I will just use the protein powder on the days I'm too busy to get enough in from my diet. I also thought that you needed a little over a gram of protein per day for each pound of body weight, so I thought I needed much more than I actually do. Thanks for clarifying that, Beets!

Darli, I just wanted to let you know a couple of things: the first is that Cathe answered my post and said that creatine supplements made her uncomfortably bloated--like we need that! Also, I was just reading Fitness magazine and found a little "blurb" on conjugated lineolic acid (CLA). It was entitled "Fat-burning Supplement That Works" and went on to say: "Swedish researchers have recently found that CLA may help reduce body fat while maintaining lean tissue, confirming three earlier studies. In the latest research, patients lost an average of 3.8 percent body fat over the course of 12 weeks by taking 4.2 grams of CLA daily, without experiencing any adverse side effects. CLA is found naturally in dairy foods, but in trace amounts. For best results, take a supplement." Just thought you might be interested to know. Now I'm really tempted to buy some, but I could buy another Cathe tape for the cost of a bottle! hmmmm....

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