Search results

  1. S

    Slow & Heavy Weight Gain Anyone????

    This will be of no help to you at all, but I wonder if it's muscle? If it is that's really nice. Did you take any measurements? Do you remember what they might have been before you started Slow and Heavy? More muscle is always a good thing. I just don't know what it could be it sounds as...
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    Heavy weigth workout

    Yes! Please, please lets have another heavy weight workout. Your right it will be a nice variation from the other videos. Please.
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    Power90 vs P90X

    How much does it cost? I looked at the website for the 90x and the push up pull up bar they use is 99.99 plus 52.00 or 59.00 for shipping and handling and that's not including the tapes. I can see how the bar would be of benefit, however money is an issue. Maybe if we keep talking about this...
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    To all you moms out there (and non-moms for that matter!)

    That was very sweet. I'm a mom and have been working out for a very long time. I think part of the fear women have of motherhood and getting older is also rooted in society and how they look at us as we become mothers and grow older. From what I've seen and I hope it is a trend that will...
  5. S

    Do You Think...

    I just wanted to say that I hope at 47 years old I can look just as good as you do. YOU ROCK!!! Alright! I may go out and buy another pair of low rise jeans just to keep me inspired.
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    People have been talking

    People have been talking about this Power90x Series being very good for building muscle the instructor is someone named Tony Horton. I've never done these videos but the way it's described is that they achieve very fast results. One of the comments was from someone who use to do bodybuilding...
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    What's so great about Power90X?

    Maybe Cathe can develop a series like the Power90x workouts. I think she's a great instructor and maybe she could come up with something similar to that. Maybe I'll put the suggestion on the board that asks for new ideas for her dvd's.
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    What's so great about Power90X?

    I haven't tried these workouts but I am interested in the building up of muscle. Endurance workouts have their place but so do the exercises your talking about. After hearing this it really makes me want to try these workouts. Although the $150.00 does make me kind of wince, but if your...
  9. S

    Do You Think...

    I'm not forty yet but getting close and although I don't look too bad I to have a small pooch. I have two kids so there you go I'm sure they are the reason I have the pooch. The thing I hate about the low rise is the back of your behind showing when you sit down. It seems there should be a...
  10. S

    What to DVDs to buy?

    I love kick,punch and crunch too! This goes along at a nice and interesting pace, just when you think o.k. it's pretty easy it becomes more intense and when you think I can't take anymore it switches up a little but still challenging. I don't do the Firm as often anymore, but I would say...
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    Can't do step without hurting myself

    I feel that sometimes the choregraphy is a bit much, I like a very direct approach, but aside from that I also just like the option of doing cardio on the floor especially after a weight training session.
  12. S

    Pyramid Upper and Lower Body-Once or Twice

    I posted this on the other site but I haven't gotten much feedback. If you have done the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body workout how often did you do it? Once or twice a week? Which gave you the better results? As far as muscle mass? If you have done this once one time a week for a period of...
  13. S

    Nasty E-bay Experience

    I just wanted to commend you on your well written language. You certainly know how to put your feelings into words in a very direct manner. You were not rude but to the point. I hope you don't encounter that type of individual again. By the way so many people do believe that the bigger...
  14. S

    How many times for Pyramid Upper and Lower

    I have asked this before however I only received two responses. I wondering for all of you who have done the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body DVD or Tapes how many times a week did you perform it. Was it Twice a Week for Upper Body and Twice A Week for Lower Body? Or Once A Week for Upper And...
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    IMAX With All Floor Cardio!

    I would love for Cathe to do an all floor cardio workout. It's not that her step tapes aren't good, it's just that there are so many step tapes out there. There are so few really good floor cardio workouts. I don't mean doing a half-hour of jumping jacks but you know some interval cycles...
  16. S

    Once or Twice to Work the Muscle?

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. I really appreciate your prompt response. I know that half the battle of getting the results needed are knowing the correct information. Thanks again Cathe!!
  17. S

    Once or Twice to Work the Muscle?

    I already asked this question in another forum but I asked it in the wrong forum. So here goes, and to all those who answered in the other forum, thank you. In order to build a larger muscle, do you suggest a once a week workout per muscle group or twice a week or does it not really matter? I...
  18. S

    Regarding Pyramid and Muscle Endurance

    Cathe or anyone else can answer this question. Has anyone performed the Pyramids Upper and Lower Body twice a week and after a full day of rest at the end of that cycle performed the Muscle Endurance Workout. I know Endurance must be higher reps with lighter weights but that does not mean it's...
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    Boot Camp Workout

    I just wanted to make the comment that I just started Pyramid Upper and Lower Body this week and that was quite challenging. I did both twice this week. My last workout was on Thursday so on Saturday I thought I'd try the Bootcamp workout. I was scared from watching the DVD the first time...
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    Kick,Punch & Crunch

    I know it has already been suggested but your kickboxing moves are great! There very precise and require a person to focus on the whole body being in unison not just on the move. I think that's great for overall body conditiong. Please make another kickboxing cardio workout. Your great at...