Power90 vs P90X


Since everyone has my attention regarding P90X, could someone tell me how the original P90 differs? Is it the same thing on a lesser intensity scale? It doesn't cost nearly as much so I was wondering. Thanks, Alexis
How much does it cost? I looked at the website for the 90x and the push up pull up bar they use is 99.99 plus 52.00 or 59.00 for shipping and handling and that's not including the tapes. I can see how the bar would be of benefit, however money is an issue. Maybe if we keep talking about this Cathe will come up with a workout like this, it seems to be based on a lot of muscle confusion.
I would be interested in other people's take on Power 90 as well since I am starting to feel after doing Ab Ripper X that I am not in good enough shape to embark on P90X. Last week I did chest/back and it left me crippled for days. Someone please post feedback...
From my searching on Video Fitness, it seems that Power 90 is boring compared to P90X but not much was said about the intensity level. However, one woman who described herself as a "major jock" said that P90X was tough but doable.

I'm wondering if people who are NOT major jocks can benefit from the workouts without getting depressed with their lack of "keep-up-ability"! The website says you can pretty much do what you can in the 30 seconds and build on that. Do you think that's true?

Thanks for your help Kathryn! Alexis
>I'm wondering if people who are NOT major jocks can benefit
>from the workouts without getting depressed with their lack of
>"keep-up-ability"! The website says you can pretty much do
>what you can in the 30 seconds and build on that. Do you
>think that's true?

In most of the weight workouts, you choose your own rep range and weights. Some of the workouts have women usiing lighter weights and doing 12-15 reps, while the guys do 8-10 reps for size. The workout I found most intimidating at first was "Chest and Back" because it is full of a variety of push-ups (I am...no, I take that back, WAS...a push-up weenie) and pull-ups (it was so intimidating for me on first viewing that P90X sat around unused for about 3 weeks! Then I jumped in, but with the SHoulders and Arms workout, which didn't scare me so much!).

The first time I did Chest and Back, I did most of the push-ups on my knees (using push-up bars) and substituted 1-arm rows and pullovers for the pull ups because I didn't have a pull up bar or heavy enough bands. It worked fine. The next time I did the workout, I could do more push-ups on my toes. By the third time, I was doing more on my toes, and I had gotten some bands and used those for pulldowns.

Tony's (the instructor's) whole philosophy is"Do your best, and forget the rest."

Most of the workouts are tough the first time (or second or third!) through, but they do get easier, and everything fits together so well.
They are totally doable (P90X). I'm almost 46, not a "major jock" and can do most of all of the workouts (must use a chair for pullups but can do most of the pushups on my toes, thanks to Cathe). I highly recommend P90X for those who just need to mix it up...
I am so psyched! Thanks so much for the personal experiences. Now I just have to buy it but you all have me afraid of ordering from BeachBody. I'll figure something out! Alexis
Alexis- I have had no problems from Beachbody, and these workouts are the bomb. I use bands for the back, and 1/2 of the push ups I can do, the other 1/2 I do on my toes. You will like these for a change. I think they are awesome!!!!!!!
I'm with Lori...these workouts are wonderful and for my first time ordering thru beachbody.com...I had NO problems and even got my DVD's earlier than I figured...:)...Carole
Hi -

I have been reading the posts in regard to P90X and I must say I am really intrigued. I have been working out w/ Cathe since the beginning and love her to death. However, I am looking to shock my body and hit that next fitness level.

I have had much success w/ the S and H series... For those of you who do P90X, would the results you have seen been comparable to that? I just don't see many physique changes doing endurance type strength training. I don't build muscle easily and S and H type workouts are the only ones that really seem to do it.

Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance, Lynn
The results would be very comparable to S&H results, probably better. Like I said, these are butt-kickers. You know the ones....hurtin' so bad, feelin' so sleepy, no appetite (atleast for awhile) type workouts. The ones you just KNOW are hitting your central nervous system really hard. That is why I made my comment above. I was so sore from the chest back that I could not maintain the exact rotation. I think for a while I may have to incorporate a few of the P90X strength tapes in to my usual mix of Cathe or Powerstrike cardio...or rest!!:) I really love the stregth tapes but must say I am much less thrilled with the cardio. But, all the tapes pose great possibilities for add ons, recovery days, and just a great mix up between your other workouts. If you have everything Cathe, as I do, there are no workouts like these. Sorry. Bite the bullet.:)

Alexis, I've got already 2 P90X (one for me and one for a friend) with no problem at all right on schedule.
Hi Janice:

Thanks for the very knowledgeable comments... this sounds PERFECT for what I am looking for.

OK.. my teeth are baring to take a bite!!

Take care, Lynn

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