What to DVDs to buy?


New Member
new to Cathe here and am wanting to supplement her workouts with the Firm and TaeBo. I am looking for a more intense cardio workout than these offer. The problem is, they ALL look great!! I'd prefer newer, and just purchased The Terminator off of ebay, although I haven't tried it.

Also, for those that do both Cathe & The Firm - is there much difference between the sculpting?

TIA for any advice!;-)
Can't go wrong with Kick, Punch and Crunch DVD with Legs and Glutes. I like the Cardio Kicks/ Circuit Max DVD also. Other than those I have some of her older step tapes like Rhythmic Step, MIC and Imax1 they are good too. Like you said , they are all good and it is hard to make a choice. The first one I mentioned is the only one of the Body Blast series that I have and I really like it.

Hope that helps you some!:)
I love kick,punch and crunch too! This goes along at a nice and interesting pace, just when you think o.k. it's pretty easy it becomes more intense and when you think I can't take anymore it switches up a little but still challenging. I don't do the Firm as often anymore, but I would say Cathe's weight workouts give me results much faster. You can feel the difference right away. I also like her instructions for proper form, she reminds you of what you should be doing right around the time when you just forgot. So far nothing beats Cathe!
I agree with KPC - Cathe's kickboxing is fun, fun, FUN! And you're dripping at the end. The DVD comes with Legs and Glutes, which is a great workout - lots of variation (weighted work and non-weighted work). Plus you have 20 premix's to choose from in the DVD.

You also may like Cardio and Weights - a great circuit workout, similar in feel as the firm. It moves fast and the step segments are easy to learn. The DVD comes with IMAX 2 - I don't have it (YET!, just CW on VHS), but it's on my list. The workout is intense, and you will have most, if not all, of it on The Terminator.

Step Blast is an intense and fun step workout. You will need a full size step and it takes a bit of learning. I personally don't care for Hi/lo, and don't have the DVD that comes with Step, Jump and Pump.

Cathe's "sculpting" is much more intense for me than the FIRMS. I think she does more reps at a higher poundage than you will see at the FIRM. Having just finished with Muscle Endurance, and watching Cathe do DOZENS of squats with a 40# barbell - you'll know what I mean!

I'm just getting my feet wet here myself, but those are my suggestions. You may want to divide up the workouts in the Terminator at first. I wouldn't consider that a "beginner" Cathe.:D

I think Imax Extreme on the Terminator is DVD is very intense. The other 2 workouts are circuit style and much more intense than any FIRM I did. I really think all of her cardio is more intense than any FIRM also. When I switched to Cathe I rarely ever go back to the FIRM. KPC and Legs & Glutes like the other said is a very good DVD. Both the Intensity series and BodyBlast have very challenging workouts and you can't go wrong with amy of them...:)...Carole

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