To all you moms out there (and non-moms for that matter!)


I just wanted to write and say that I've been reading these forum posts for more then a few weeks now - and I am SO INSPIRED! Growing up I've always been the type of person to fretfully look ahead instead of looking where I am then. I'd be 19 and think, geez, I'm 19, only getting older, and I'm going to look at 19 year olds and be jealous I'm not 19. Please understand this is mostly because I've been blessed enough to love each and every year and experience I've had.. Anyway, now I'm 27, getting married, and thinking about the possibility of children.. I'm very much into fitness and love my discovery of Cathe, and I can't say that I haven't worried that I'd lose my fitness advantage with age and children.

My point is, reading how great all of you that are older then I am are doing (much better then me, in fact!!!) I feel something that I've never really felt before - looking forward to the many years of fitness and health I have ahead (even if I'm blessed with children! (hope, hope!)).

I hope this came out right and doesn't sound funny. I really just think so many of you are inspirational, and wanted to let you know that it's wonderful. You should be proud.
RE: To all you moms out there (and non-moms for that ma...

Ruppie~what a great post! You got it! I am 51 and since I found Cathe, plus teaching Hi/Lo classes, I have been in the BEST shape of my life. (Recovering from an injury since last Nov. so I have lost some benefits, but I WILL perservere.) I think it's great you are so young but have committed to a healthy lifestyle. It will only get better for you. Enjoy the journey!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: To all you moms out there (and non-moms for that ma...

Forgot to add that I am the proud Mom of a 25 & 31 year old and a granny to a 3 year old and another on the waaay! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh Ruppie thank you so very much for your kind words. It comes from a great love we all have for fitness; feeling good & its nice when the payoff is looking good too. Congratulations on your up & coming wedding & may you be as blessed as I am (married for 20 yrs.) with a wonderful & caring husband & also a son, who's 12 now. Through it all I've always worked out & finally my son now understands what a healthy lifestyle is like. So when your time comes to have your first child, Cathe & all of us here will be there for you to guide you through it every step of the way. Best to you! Have a great weekend, Kathy
Ruppie, what a wonderful post to see first thing in the morning -- well... after an interminable amount of time trying to clean the stubborn mildew off my shower stall... and after yesterday's storm uprooted the petunias I just planted...

Anyway, I just want to tell you that you don't have to fear losing ANYTHING with age. I just turned 35, and although I still can't define what I've "become" (for lack of a better word) after motherhood, I won't trade what I have/am now for what I had/was when I was younger. Fitness-wise, I'm stronger, leaner and healthier now than I ever was.

"even if I'm blessed with children"? I understand... Pregnancy can stretch you every which way and children, too, for that matter.:) But like Cathe said, it's all a matter of how you spend your time under tension. I've lost a lot of very important things after I had my son, but I've also been blessed in so many ways, I really can't complain!

I wish you and your future husband well.

That was very sweet. I'm a mom and have been working out for a very long time. I think part of the fear women have of motherhood and getting older is also rooted in society and how they look at us as we become mothers and grow older. From what I've seen and I hope it is a trend that will grow, society is slowly starting to realize that women become better as they get older. As we see more magazines for older women and more spokespeople for older women. The media still has quite a long way to go. Staying fit is one of the most self-esteem building things that you can do for yourself. Children bring an element to your life that just cannot be described, streched out a little or a lot, there is just nothing in this world quite like being a mother. I wish you the best.
Awwww, that was very sweet! I'm 35 and have an 8 year old son and I love working out. I can't remember life before my little guy. He is a true gift! Sometimes I watch him sleep and can't believe he's mine.


That is sooo sweet. BUT TRUE! Isn't it a miracle when you stop to think about them? (our kids.)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie! :)

Hi Debbie!! Yes, I know what you mean exactly! They are a true gift!

I don't mean to sound sappy, but I'll never forget the first time I laid eyes on him. I felt so blessed! I felt like I was given a piece of Heaven and didn't sleep for 2 nights in a row because I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

You remind me of how much there is still to look forwards to. I have spent a lot of time working out with my daughters as they grew up. Now I have grandchildren who work with the balls and pick up light weights. Mostly they like the stretches. They do seem to like the music and floor work on Step Jump & Pump and the Kickboxing vids. They tend to get in the way but we have a lot of fun. Maybe someday it will be great grandchildren???? My oldest is turning 30 next month. That is hard to believe for me. Congrats on the wedding plans.
Diane Sue
That was a beautiful post Thank You! BTW I am 40 and feel better then I did at 25. Some things just get better with age.

Hey Ruppie: Your post made me smile:) :) and take the time to listen to my body say "THANKS!!!!" for taking the time to give it the challenges it craves (Cathe just makes hard work so darn fun and gratifying). I am 42 and the Mom of 3 Girls, (my eldest is turning 15 tomorrow!!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!!!!:p ) I loved being 19 and 27 but I love being 42 the most because I've never been 42 before:7
I feel amazing compared to my twenties and can rise to challenges that I wouldn't even have considered all of those years ago, not to mention the jeans I can fit into now.;) It's wonderful to run and bike and rollerblade with my kids and still have energy to give at the end of the day. Our commitment to fitness gives us gifts beyond measure.
I teach classes at a gym and when I looked out this morning I was thrilled to see participants in their 20's and some in their 60's all working hard together. It's so positive and completely AWESOME!!!!!
Thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to post. Warm wishes for the best that life has to offer to you and your hubbie to be!!!
Take Care
What a nice post.

I am 37 and in waaaay better shape than I was at 19.

A while ago, I read a quote from Oprah that said that in her opinion "[Age] 50 is the "new" 30." I couldn't agree more! It only gets better, IMHO.

ruppie--Good for YOU! I had no idea what fitness was all about when I was your age. I worked at a fairly physically demanding job, and thought I'd just always look and feel like I did when young. NOT so!! I had to put on a lot of pounds and get really a big 'ole mess, before I got with it. You are so far ahead, being fit NOW!!

I am almost 50 and like the other mommies here, we salute you! Never give up.........:D

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