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  1. F

    Checkin' in early, again!

    October??? WOW..... And yes it is! :-) Still don't know where or what I'm doing with my workouts! Was going to do the Firm Rotation, woke up in a panic that I wouldn't be ready for the Cathe weekend, fast approaching, decided I need to throw in some Cathe, not sure when what with spinning at...
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    CLEDA!!! Barbell link

    I FEEL A SHOPPING BENDER..... Coming on! :7 Wahhhhhhhoooooo!!!!!!! :-jumpy Thanx NanC! You're a gem!!! But I did notice that you have NOT yet checked in! Oh yeah... that's right, it's only Tues. You still have 4 more days!}> Off to shop some more...... Cleda
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    Quick Check in... No, REALLY! I mean it! :-rollen Hi Everyone! Not sure where I'm going with my check ins. I think I've started a Firm Rotation (sorry Cathe) :-( Just something about me and weights... ayayayaya.... the muscles get bigger, I get bigger, and it's just not FUN... It also...
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    Early Check-in!

    Comin' out Steppin'..... Yep... that's what your baby's gonna be doing Andrea!!! I'm so glad to hear that the baby is healthy and normal and that you're back to working out (modifications are a good thing...).... You always amaze me..... Go for it!!! And keep checkin' in.... Cleda...
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    Early Check-in!

    I'm Late! I'm Late...... Hey.... it happens! I'll be brief? (yeah right -- famous last words) Everyone's workouts look fantastic. (as usual). No cyberspace cold here... thank heavens. NanC sure came back with a vengance, didn't she? WAhhhhhhhhhooooooooo...... Ok, enough procrastinating...
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    Any formerly overweight Cathe-ites??

    CONSTANT BATTLE..... Hey Debbie... It's a constant (and I do mean CONSTANT) battle with good days and bad days. Yes. . . I still follow weight watchers and probably always will (if I want to keep the weight off). The weight creeps on soooo slowly and then bam! I realize I have about 10...
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    Any formerly overweight Cathe-ites??

    Hey Crystal..... See my nickname???? Took me a LONG time to get there !!! I was "AlmostAtGoal" for FOREVER...... but October 26th of last year..... I was able to change it.... It can be done and the support that you can get from here, from VF, and from the egroups that Pam mentioned can be...
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    Favorite moves for the Cathe Trip!

    Give me...... Pendulums across the board double Grapevines (where we have ENOUGH room to do them) ANYTHING that releases the hips... Wahhhhhhhhhooooooooo...... Cleda
  9. F

    A full CXT check-in

    Night Owl..... HoneyBunch: I'd like to say I enjoy getting up that early, but the truth of the matter is.. I am a NIGHT OWL... So, I TRY to get to bed by 10 or 11 p.m. and do well for the first couple of days of the week, towards the end it gets later and later..... and then well, we have...
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    A full CXT check-in

    Andre Houle is..... an instructor! I could give you the write out on the back of his video, but I don't think that would be fair since this is the Cathe Forum! I happen to enjoy some of his workouts. He does alot of low impact stuff. Probably too slow and boring for the average Cathe fan...
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    A full CXT check-in

    A HABIT takes 3 weeks... I'm trying to do the upper body strung together for 3 weeks. Then it becomes habit. I don't think it's bad at all. The workouts are lower weights and more reps then I would do if it were Pure Strength and from prior check ins, I'm sure you noticed I rarely worked...
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    A full CXT check-in

    Hope this doesn't BACKFIRE... Mornin' Everyone! I'm not one to check in BEFORE my Sunday workout, cuz I just don't know WHAT can happen and then I might have to come back and "EDIT" it. (gasp!) I'm one of those who likes my post "clean". And for the record, that's probably about the only...
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    New User Of Barbell

    BUT WAIT!!!! 2's better than 1!!! Two barbells that is... Ok, ok, so some of us are more obsessed then others..... Yes, I have 2 barbells! No, that's a lie... I have 3 of them... with my sights on a 4th one as a non-food reward down the road some!!! DO NOT worry about bulking up. It...
  14. F

    Check in 9/3/2000

    Winding Down School starts, I'm tired, been a LONG day. But, I am here to post the check in and CARRY ON!!!! Everyone is doing a fine job.... Aimee: Ice-cream is one of my red-light foods. Every ice-cream container is a SINGLE serving, doesn't matter if it's 16 oz. or 1/2 gallon! Kristin: I...
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    good stuff :-)

    WOW.... What self-control you have Wendy! I sure couldn't wait and finish a rotation with new Cathe tapes sitting there!!! I had to tear into them the first Friday night they arrived AND do two of them.... LOL!!!! AS for MIS, I haven't done it in probably over a year....Although I'd have...
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    VF Road Trip ?

    PS..... And aside from the Cathe trips, there are PLENTY of "VF Gatherings"....where we do get to meet other VF'ers. (People just like you and I who exercise at home and LOVE it! )... So, because of that alot of us HAVE met and have become good friends .... BLESS THE INTERNET!!!! Cleda
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    VF Road Trip ?

    VF = Video Fitness Lynn.... Welcome! the VF you hear mentioned frequently is "Video Fitness". You can find them at: Take a look over there. Great place! Great Forum! Great Reviews! Great people! Alot of us frequent BOTH forums. (This one and VF). I should...
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    Have you ever done Urban Rebounding? Hi Debbie... Have you ever done a class called Urban Rebounding? It's mini-trampolining, but in class form. I've done it 3x at my gym. The gym is new at it, I'm new at it and the instructors are new at it, so there is a DEFINITE learning curve there. It...
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    Any non-kickboxing-people done Cathe's kickbox yet?

    Coffee....??? Did someone say COFFEE????? HoneyBunch... we're on the FORUM, not in "most cities"... where your opinion is WAY MORE valuable then a CUP OF COFFEE...... Cleda PS... and to keep this on topic of the thread... I am about to go do Cardio Kicks. I've only been procrastinating...
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    starting check-in early 8/27

    REcharged.... Wahhhhhhhooooooooo Ok folks..... I am recharged. I needed this. Between Cape Cod and the new Cathe tapes (don't shoot me please, I DID Receive them.....) I am feeling on top of the world and I can make it for another few weeks..... But now we have a new forum to play with...