VF Road Trip ?


I am fairly new to this forum, but is the "VF" mentioned in a lot of posts different from this one?
Also, how do you find out about the Cathe Road Trips? Since I only exercise at home (which works best for me), I really do not know any real exercise enthusiasts like us here on the forum. It would really be neat to meet some of you.


VF = Video Fitness


the VF you hear mentioned frequently is "Video Fitness". You can find them at: http://www.videofitness.com

Take a look over there.
Great place! Great Forum! Great Reviews! Great people! Alot of us frequent BOTH forums. (This one and VF).

I should warn you though: It can get expensive. Ohhh the forum is free, but once you start reading about all videos YOU MUST HAVE, you enter the world of "vidiots". It starts out simple. You have 10 tapes, wonder how you could possibly want more....

Then you read about those who have over 100 tapes and you think -- "What on EARTH would they do with THAT many tapes....????" But, WATCH OUT... it's like a disease.... LOL
But BOY do we have fun.

The VF Road Trips to Cathe's are organized through VF. Cathe and crew are gracious enough to have us and VF has organizers. This time it was done through a lottery, since the trip has become soooo popular (how can it not?

Anyway... hope this helps. Check out VF, you'll find lots of useful information ... Welcome aboard!


And aside from the Cathe trips, there are PLENTY of "VF Gatherings"....where we do get to meet other VF'ers. (People just like you and I who exercise at home and LOVE it!
)... So, because of that alot of us HAVE met and have become good friends ....


Thanks, Cleda!

I appreciate you response and I will check out that forum too. I seem to spend so much time on this one now, and yes it has been expensive! I have spent enough money, new tapes, a barbell, clothes, what could be next? You are right it is addicting!

I do love to work out at home and have been doing it now for over 13 years since the kidlets came along. It wasn't worth the hassle of getting everyone ready to go "work-out"! Cathe's tapes have been a God-send and I have just about everyone of hers.

Have a great week-end!


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