Early Check-in!


Hope you are feeling well...I think we are spreading that darn cold through the check-in

yard workouts

IMHO-yard workouts are probably the TOUGHEST!!! I did some more landscaping and also transplanted some oaks from our cabin in Minnesota to our yard so all of the digging, mulching, and lugging around of 5 gallon buckets kills me
Couldn't figure out why one are just killed one morning, hadn't lifted weights for almost a week, figured out I was straining by only carrying one bucket. Now I'm a 2 bucket woman (but don't tell my DH-he'd think I'm ready for chores
take care
Great time Except for the....

....lousy hamburgers!!!!! We ate at this restaurant that is owned by the relatives of the guys who are supposed to have INVENTED the hamburgers, and neither of us were impressed at all. We liked the french fries better.

By the way, Deb, I raised my step to 8" for Power Circuit, and I think I got a better workout for me. I'm going to try All Step this morning and do it with the higher step also.

We'll have to do the shopping bit again real soon! Thanks again for the socks!!!
Hi Nancy!

GREAT pix! Thanks for sharing them with us. Looks like you all had a blast. How fun. I'm with you~~I want the hot weather back. Summer went waaaay too fast! Not looking forward to the COLD!

Hey Christina!

Hang in there! Just take baby steps and you'll be hooked before long. Your week is great for just getting back into it. Good Luck and keep up the good work!

Love the pics, Nancy!

Thanks for sharing the Cape Cod pics! You all look great! Cleda, isn't short hair wonderful?

Anyway, I had a pretty lame week. So much that I'm even counting my Saturday activities as a workout (hey, my butt was *a little* sore on Sunday!

Monday - Nada.
Tuesday - All Step (all except abs); Power Circuit (back & plank work only); CTX Kickbox (biceps & abs only)
Wednesday - Nada.
Thursday - Nada.
Friday - Nada.
Saturday - lugging around DJ equipment and helping hubby load and unload van, set-up and taking down (I didn't do my usual show-off thing of carrying one speaker by myself, though.)

Sunday - Rest

This lousy workout week is evidence of me trying to switch back to morning workouts. I just haven't been able to get my lazy butt out of bed early enough! Not even Step & Intervals could entice me.
But this week will be different! Yes, I missed Monday morning's workout already, but I swear, I WILL get up tomorrow and do Step & Intervals!

Can someone send some morning workout vibes my way?

Hi Christina

Oh, I'm with you on the AM workout thing. (see my other post above) I'll be sure to think of you working out at 4:30 AM when I'm ready to hit the snooze button tomorrow morning! Maybe that will be enough to make me get out of bed and work out!

Thanks, everyone!!

For your kind words!! It makes the soreness I'm feeling today a little better!!
Hey Debbie & Lynne!

Debbie - Thanks for the pep talk. I tend to get an all or nothing attitude so I really appreciate the reminder to take baby steps!

Lynne - I missed my early am workout this am too. I was up and down all night with a sick toddler. We're off to the dr in a little while. Hopefully, it's just a sinus infection and things will be back to normal here tomorrow.

I'll think of you in the am.

preggers check-in

Great job Val! I hope to do a 10-K...someday. The 5K did a number on my joints.

I love your hair Nancy! I'm wanting to go short again (I get bored with my hair easily) but hubby would be very sad. We'll see.

When I'm working out I seem to be feeling my best. I don't have my log with me but over the past two weeks I have done The new Cathes except Legs, Kickbox, and one other. It takes lots of modifications, but I love it! Also did Step Heat and TT2. Had my ultrasound and the baby is healthy and normal!

I'm an early bird...

....and believe me, those CTX tapes make it a LOT easier to work out in the early AM! I'm VERY happy with them. I did All Step this morning! It frees up your evenings, and you don't have to rush home to get in your workout.
fall is almost here!!

My time of year ladies! Love the cool crisp air in the mornings and evenings.
I missed the checkin last week but I am pretty much on the same type of schedule since last check in. 3-4 aerobic days and 3 days with the weights, concentrating on very slow movements, especially on the negative. Working great!!
Mon . --- 4 miles on treadmill, I suffered on this. Went out way to hard and used a fairly steep incline for me. Felt really relaxed that evening though!
Weightwork for the back: lats, delts on pec deck, upright rows. also abs on the roller.
Tues. -- nothing, driving son to and from soccer practice.
Wed. -- 35 min. on versaclimber in "reverse" using one of the hill workouts. pretty intense!
Weightwork for shoulders, chest. abs.
Thurs. -- nothing, see tuesday.
Fri. -- 35 min. recumbent bike intervals. Weightwork on legs. Really hit these hard---leg presses, one legged extensions, squats. can't forget abs!!

Sat. -- mountain biking early a.m. then off to my son's soccer game. Steamclean carpets----joy!!!
Sun. -- entire bodymax, which means for me I am over my aerobic limit for the week, but what the hell!! I feel great!!
Off to another soccer game.....perhaps we will win one before the year is over!!

This week I will be in Boston for 4 days so the hotel better be ready with a decent fitness center........
Nancy........great photos shorty!! You all look great and looks like you had tons of fun
And my compliments to the owner of the cute butt with the signature on it!! lol!!

Everyone in the checkin........kudos for being committed to fitness and for the great week you all had. Keep it up ladies!
Have a safe happy healthful fun week!!
Great week Trevor!

We missed you last week. Sounds like you have been on the go lately. How is your wife doing? Is she feeling well? Good to see you posting again and good luck, I hope your hotel has a decent fitness center for you.

I'm Late! I'm Late......

Hey.... it happens!

I'll be brief? (yeah right -- famous last words)

Everyone's workouts look fantastic. (as usual). No cyberspace cold here... thank heavens. NanC sure came back with a vengance, didn't she?

Ok, enough procrastinating:

Mon: Spin & Abs class

Tues: Core Cardio II, CTX Upper Body

Wed: Legs (at the gym) -- went with a friend. YOWSERS.... Was I exhausted by the time we were done. My quads were sore to the touch ...
But this didn't stop me from:

Thurs: Colleen's Fat Blaster Class ... Of course, my beloved instructor pulled a muscle and was cueing from the sidelines on crutches. No, it didn't make the class EASIER...(she's my IDOL) and by the time class was over, I KNEW my legs were in trouble.
I had some SERIOUS fatigue goin' on..... Which leads me to:

Fri: Rest Day --- cuz we ALL need 'em

Sat: Rest Day --- cuz we All need 'em
(and honestly? My legs were STILL sore)

Sun: Hi/Lo Heaven (first section), Low Jam.... Why? Cuz I needed a happy tape(s) to make sure my legs could STILL MOVE.......

Throw in there a couple of nights going to bed by 8:30 p.m....... and I'm back to normal... I hit the gym tonight for a spin class.... and those two rest days did me good... WHAT A CLASS... but oh yeah..... that's NEXT week's check in!!!

Good night all!
Comin' out Steppin'.....

Yep... that's what your baby's gonna be doing Andrea!!!

I'm so glad to hear that the baby is healthy and normal and that you're back to working out (modifications are a good thing...)....

You always amaze me..... Go for it!!! And keep checkin' in....


PS.... Ahhhhhh go short with the hair.. it's sooooooo much easier!!!
Get up Get up Get up!


Hey Lynne, when you hear that alarm...just think of the rest of the am crowd getting up with you
....Of course..I'm on vacation
...so I'll be getting up a tiny bit later.

Just cookies :)

When I read " Didn't you bake" I was so confused!

Believe me, I wouldn't have gone hiking in Phoenix or Scottsdale --110 degrees is a bit too much for me! Sedona, however was about 20 degrees cooler and the hike was absolutely gorgeous! It was warmer than the 70 degree weather I love ( I think the high was 84), but it was a great way to start off Autumn, which I HOPE will be arriving in Scottsdale anyday now!
Jerome is very touristy, but it is so neat! they have a great keleidoscope store there that I love. That town reminds me of Pennsylvania where I grew up--it might me that I've only gone there in the winter, which reminds me of the cold air from my childhood

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