Any non-kickboxing-people done Cathe's kickbox yet?



I've never done kickbox....tried Tae-bo once and didn't care for it. So, I have done all of the new Cathe cardio segments EXCEPT for the kickbox! I am kind of intimidated by it! But, I love Cathe so much and I WANT to love her kicboxing tapes, too! Is there anyone like me, who has never done kickbox before, who has tried Cathe's kickbox and liked it? It looks like such a great, tough, fun workout, and the cast all looks like they are really workin' hard, so I really WANT to LOVE it! But I feel nervous about trying it. Does anyone relate? or am I just a headcase?
This is just a common sense-take-it-or-leave-it opinion..

.......from someone who went from Taebo (eight months worth) to Cardio Kicks. May I suggest that you borrow a Taebo instructional tape, watch it once, then do it twice. I think you'll find the Cathe tapes will be less intimidating that way.

Any other educated crowd opinions? My own humble opinion is really not worth the price of a cup of coffee in most cities.
I am sad to say

that while I have dabbled in kickboxing, I really don't care for it all that much. I did Cardiokicks yeaterday and to be honest, I didn't care for the cardio part. But the power part was GREAT!! I loved that
! I will have to do CK a few more times before I rule it on or off my rotation. I make myself do some kickboxing for cross training, but man it's just not for me it seems. Anyway, this is just my opinion and again, I haven't ruled it out. However, in Circut Max I loved the little bit of kickboxing she did! Maybe I just do better with a little bit here and there rather than a whole tape devoted to it.
Everyone's different!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-00 AT 03:01PM (EST)</font></center>

That's what makes us wonderful, interesting and special!!!! (That so sounds like a coach speech, doesn't it?) It's true - if we all liked and did the same thing, we'd be BORING! I think you can try it a few more times, but hey, if you have to make yourself do the workout it's going to seem too much like work! So do what you want, we will not disown you Aimee!!!!

Did someone say COFFEE?????

HoneyBunch... we're on the FORUM, not in "most cities"... where your opinion is WAY MORE valuable then a CUP OF COFFEE......


PS... and to keep this on topic of the thread... I am about to go do Cardio Kicks. I've only been procrastinating for 3 or 4 hours. I am NOT into Kickboxing -- mainly cuz I'm just not good at it. Soooooo we'll see how I do... Oh- the only OTHER tape I haven't done? Yep... Kickbox "P" workin' the Biceps!!!
My 2 cents worth...

I tried Taebo also and frankly, I hated it. I wound up giving away the tapes to a friend cuz I thought they were so boring. Cardio Kicks was the first tape I tried and I absolutely loved it! I felt like some kind of macho woman standing in my family room kicking and grunting and acting tough! My kicks weren't as high as Cathe's but I still got in a great workout. I sweated lots but really had a great time and it went by fast. A word of caution on the punches - hold back a little bit at first. I found out that you don't use the same muscles as when you do upper boding lifting! My shoulders and back were sore for 2 days!! Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Kickboxing lightweight weighs in

I previewed cardio kicks last night & can't wait to give it a try. I'm glad that I've been doing Kathy Smith's kickboxing tape occasionally because it's easier & KS breaks down the punches & kicks. Something basic like KS's tape or the Tae Bo instructional tape would probably help a kickboxing virgin.

Can't believe Cathe's intensity & stamina in Cardio Kicks. She's moving & cueing the entire hour. Rhonda's kicking butt but she's not talking (at least not to us)! Kathy Smith has 2 guest instructors so she gets a break during a much less intense & shorter workout.

That doesn't really answer your question. The Tae Bo infomericials turn me off, so I haven't ever tried it. If you like Cathe's cardio, I bet you'll like Cardio Kicks.

Lindy!! Just what I wanted to hear!!

Thanks for that message! I hated Tae-bo too, and haven't tried any kind of kickboxing since then! Your message has encouraged me to keep an open mind and to try Cathe's Cardio Kicks! TOMORROW MORNING! Thanks everyone else, too, for all of your input!

I think I'll definitely need to have a mirror in the room when I try the kickbox tape...cuz I don't have a clue about kickboxing form at this using a mirror to check my form would probably be wise, right?

Thanks!!!!! Debbie
Working Up the Courage

Having just received my tapes,I've been busy previewing--I;ve previewed four of them so far and did 10/10/10. Wow, just the ten minutes of kickboxing has me feeling it in the abs today!!! I am finding myself a bit intimidated to give CK a try especially since I'm pretty bad at kickboxing. Its on the works for tomorrow...I will let you all know what I think then...althought previewing it was enough to get me wondering.

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