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  1. J

    Difficulty making it through a workout

    I just went through 3-4 days of this - in fact, I posted it on the open forum under "NO energy days", and several people were very supportive about just taking a rest and listening to your body. I think PMS was the culprit. My head wanted to continue, but my body said NO. I finally gave in...
  2. J

    NO energy days

    Just wanted to thank everyone again - I was able to do 1/2 hour yesterday, so that was better. Still not feeling myself, but I guess I just needed the rest. You're right, I need to just listen to my body. It's so easy to get impatient! Jen
  3. J

    SNM: unread post markers

    I've had the same problem, plus sometimes posts I haven't read are NOT marked as unread, when I'm sure I haven't marked the forum as read yet. Jen
  4. J

    NO energy days

    Thanks so much everyone! I feel better knowing I'm not alone. I'm glad I did what I could, I just felt so discouraged doing so little. I'm determined to slim down and tone up, and last week I had a setback b/c of a cough, and now this. But I know it's temporary. I'm going to try to do a...
  5. J

    NO energy days

    Hi everyone, I was wondering what everyone does when you have days when you have absolutely NO energy. For instance, yesterday I MADE myself do 20 min. of FIRM Time Crunch and just couldn't move anymore. Today I did a whoppin 15 min. of 7-day solution cardio, modified the moves to low-impact...
  6. J

    Weight racks?

    Thanks everyone for the replies - some of those are really nice-looking, I would just have to figure out some way to cover it up. I was really hoping for something with doors. Oh well. I just really want to keep the living room looking like a living room! If you see any more ideas, make sure...
  7. J

    Please help me before I eat more- out of control!!

    Hi Lynne, I'm not saying it's easy or that I eat perfectly, but for me the solution has been to NEVER buy things I can't control. I don't care if it's free, that just means I don't have to pay money for it, but I WILL pay in not being able to fit in my clothes, and in my self esteem. There...
  8. J

    Please help me before I eat more- out of control!!

    The others gave some great advice - I just wanted to add a quote I heard somewhere that keeps me in check. When I hesitate to throw out food that's not good for me, I remember this: "It's better to put it in the waste can, then to put it on your waist and your can." ;-) Just throw it out...
  9. J

    Weight racks?

    Thanks for the reply Kathryn. Is there any indication on your rack of the manufacturer's name? I did a google search and couldn't find anything like what you're describing. Thanks!
  10. J

    Weight racks?

    Hi everyone, Since unfortunately I don't have a spare room I can use as an exercise room, I work out in my living room. However, that means a pile of dumbbells on the floor next to the t.v. - not very attractive. :-hmmm I've seen the typical metal weight racks, but I was wondering if anyone...
  11. J

    Cathe: Can we have interviews please?

    Hi Cathe, I'm so excited about the new Intensity Series coming out! I just have a quick question for you - actually this request came from my husband, who also does your workouts with me.:-) Is it possible to have some interviews at the end of the DVD? We would love to learn more about you...
  12. J


    I also really like FIRM Tough Tape - Tracy Long is a great instructor and it's a great workout in just 45 min.
  13. J

    Bun & Thigh Rocker alert

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-02 AT 12:12PM (Est)[p]Here's what you do: Go to Go to the location finder, and have the list of locations up on your screen when you call the BJs 800# (also on their website). They will help you find the nearest BJs that has them. I got a man on the phone...
  14. J

    Bun & Thigh Rocker alert

    Thanks for the update, Honeybunch. Glad to hear you're still getting results. Do you think you're not seeing more inch loss b/c you're about where you should be now? Also, where did you get the additional bands? I've heard there is a blue band for aerobic use, but don't know where to get it.
  15. J

    Bun & Thigh Rocker alert

    Francine - I suspect the rumor is true, since BJs is clearing it out so cheap. I'll definitely post my results - I'm very hopeful about this!! You and Honeybunch inspired me! Jen
  16. J

    Bun & Thigh Rocker alert

    Babs, Just go to and click on Bun & Thigh Rocker - there's a full description. It's great for isolating those muscles we all have to work extra hard on! ;-) Jen
  17. J

    Bun & Thigh Rocker alert

    Honeybunch, It's been almost 3 months since your post that your "pants are getting baggy!" What's the update on your results now?? I'd love to hear it! That gave me great incentive. All I could think is: I WANT BAGGY PANTS TOO!! :7
  18. J

    Bun & Thigh Rocker alert

    Hi all, I wanted to let everyone know the BTR is now on clearance at BJ's Wholesale Club for only $39.90!!! :-wow I just ran out and got mine today! They said they still have quite a few left in the system, but when they're gone, that's it. It's an incredible deal - I couldn't resist...
  19. J

    Problems w/ wrist curls in S&H

    Curious too.
  20. J

    Intensity Series question

    Hi, I'm wondering if this new series will be able to be modified for those of us who aren't quite as advanced yet. They sound wonderful and so much fun, but I'm a little worried about how long it's going to take for me to work up to them.:-hmmm Jen