Please help me before I eat more- out of control!!


Help me please! I had such an amazing loss last week and today I can't stop eating. My son was diagnosed with the chicken pox yesterday (even though he was immunized at age 2, he is 3 now) and today my daughter woke up with chicken pox - she was also immunized. Now I'm afraid my 3 month old baby will get it because he has not been immunized (they wait until the kids are between 12-24 months)

Anyway, my son was upset because Thursday is pizza day at school, he begged me to get pizza so since I can't take them out I called Dominos. Also today a package was delivered- my DH is a physician and drug reps (the legal kind from pharmaceudical companies :) ) often give food gifts to doctors, 99% at work but on a rare occasion at home. Well today a package of Mrs. Pridable apples came- they are these HUGE carmel apples with tons of chocolate/nuts etc. DH does not even like them. Well it came at 11:00.

My kids are SO upset about now trick or treating today and my son is upset about missing the big holloween parade at school. DH and the pediatrician said the kids should not even answer the door tongiht because chicken pox is highly contagious and we certainly don't want to expose the neighborhood kids!!

So at 11:15 I ate a whole one of these (800 calories) and then ordered the pizza, ate one piece of pepponi deep dish pizza, 10 buffolo wings, the WHOLE free breadstick awful greasy thing that came free with the Domino's pizza. Plus, 2 pieces of holloween candy this morning.

Now how on earth do I recover from this??? AND how do I not eat anymore today?? Should I just try and fast the rest of the day?? I'm afraid this will turn into a downward spiral. I am so disgusted withmyself. I was doing so well and I feel like I just lost it and revereted to my old ways because I'm feeling stressed out and claustrophobic today.

I am home with 3 kids under 5, 2 of who have chicken pox, and the baby I'm in fear will and TONS of candy, 5 more carmel apples, and 2/3 of the pizza. I need to keep the candy until tonight but then its gonna go in the dumpster.
You poor thing. I can totally relate. You feel like a caged rat, right? Drink a ton of water, fill up your stomach with it. Have your husband take all the candy that you like to work tomorrow, and only keep the stuff you don't like in the house. Don't starve, it will only backfire, like tonight at 10:30, and then you'll go nuts. My suggestion is to eat protein if possible, like a real meal without any bad stuff, so that you feel full and won't want the candy. Then remember get right back on tomorrow. One day of freaking out will not change all the progress you have made! As my best friend always tells me, your body can not make 5 lbs of fat in one day, and then she has to repeat it about 5 times until I hear it. You can and will continue the good job you have done. I know diet pop is bad for us, but sometimes when I need the sweetness it helps, without really having anyting too bad. Just a few suggestions, but mostly you have my support! Remember, as Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day!
Okay~I've been there, done that, so I know what you're going through right now.
First: If there is no reason to keep the caramel apples around, throw them in the trash, just toss them out! Can't eat em if you ain't got em!
second: If you're not feeding the pizza to your kids this evening, toss it too! I know it seems like an awful sin to throw out good food, but sometimes you just have to make that choice. It's better to throw it out than eat it and regret it!

DO NOT starve yourself for the rest of the day!!!!!!
It will backfire big time later this evening and you will eat everything you see later on. Just water up, and eat really well for the rest of the day. Don't skip a snack or meal, just make really wise choices. It will make you feel good to eat something that you know is nourishing your body and will fuel your body for your workout tomorrow. What's passed is passed, and fasting won't change what you already ate, so let it go! Just eat wisely the remainder of the day and evening without skipping or skimping.
Besides, I learned a long time ago that one of the benefits of working out with Cathe is that when you do have these kinds of days, it usually won't hurt you too much. This was just 1 day, not even a whole day, just a morning. So "shake it off" and remember how good that apple was cause you know it was your last one for a while :) and sometimes these little "oops!" really help keep you on target, because you know what your goals are, and you know that too many days like this will keep you from getting there, so now you're back on track, eat well the rest of the day, and the journey continues.............:)

Stay strong~remember, you're MY rock! :)

We are all human and we all have those days. Maybe chalk today's earlier meals up to a free day and now just try to get back on track. Definitely don't fast. Don't slash the rest of your tires, just because you "got a flat". One morning/afternoon/day of eating bad won't wreck havoc with your progress, etc. So just focus on getting back on track.

I know just what you mean! A couple of weeks ago, I took off for Wal-Mart in the middle of the night and came home with $40.00 (no, that's not a typo) worth of junk food! My DH woke up and saved me by burying the whole mess in the garbage can. (I wasn't feeling very "saved" at the time, of course.) That was the first real "feeding frenzy" I (nearly) had in almost three years.

It seems to me, the best way to recover is to put it in the past immediately--not tomorrow, immediately--and eat normally the rest of the day. Don't count the calories and try to make up for it, just start fresh right now, as if it never happened. That way you can start dealing with the guilt right away and not let it nag at you until you eat even more in order to soothe your guilty conscience.

I'm wishing so hard for your success. I've been there many, many times. Good luck.

I agree with Donna. Don't be afraid to just throw stuff away. It is much better to waste a little food than to become obese and die from a weight-related condition (looking at the bigger picture). If throwing a few pieces of food away increases your life span, isn't it worth it?

Also, when I have a bad day, I don't typically stop eating for that day. I just try to eat normally in the evening. But, I also think some extra exercise on that day (if possible) can be positive because it makes you feel like you're back on track.

I'm having a really bad week too, so I can totally relate! Some little snacks are not going to control us, are they?? We all have our bad moments and if you hang in there it will pass!!!
The others gave some great advice - I just wanted to add a quote I heard somewhere that keeps me in check. When I hesitate to throw out food that's not good for me, I remember this:

"It's better to put it in the waste can, then to put it on your waist and your can." ;-)

Just throw it out, don't think about it, and cover it with some garbage so there's no more temptation!

You're going to be fine ... it's just one day.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-02 AT 05:06PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-02 AT 05:05 PM (Est)[/font]

oh my! i could have written that post. is it the time of year or what? I was doing very well for awhile, until the past few weeks - got an abnormal pap and was freaked, of course, i turned to eating (junk) to relieve stress.
How do you guys DO IT?!!! i know that if i don't buy it; i won't eat it, but i go to the store and lo and behold, hagen daz is 2/$5.00. well, i'm just gonna have a couple spoonfuls right? yeah right!! after i eat the entire pint i'm disgusted and say, well why bother working out now? i'm a fat slob!!
how do you get over this mentality? i can do well for awhile, but once i fall off the wagon, it is a TOTAL downward spiral, b/c you figure, well, i've already blown it, might as well keep pigging out. . . help!!
any advice????
Hi Lynne,

I'm not saying it's easy or that I eat perfectly, but for me the solution has been to NEVER buy things I can't control. I don't care if it's free, that just means I don't have to pay money for it, but I WILL pay in not being able to fit in my clothes, and in my self esteem. There may even be certain aisles you just cannot walk down in the supermarket. My husband gets a kick out of watching me FLY through the supermarket aisles when he comes with me - so that I can't be tempted, and neither can he (plus I figure it's a nice mini-workout!). I have a list and stick to it, and won't even glance at anything else.

There are a few things I enjoy and that aren't really that bad, but I know I will still eat too much of them if they are around the house. For those things, I only buy them when we have company, so I know there won't be any leftover.

Have a definite goal and keep it in front of you at all times!! Don't think of it as hard - it's much harder being overweight and unhappy with yourself. Being thin is much easier. You're worth it! ;-)

Hope this helps -
I think it's really, really important not to beat yourself up for this stuff. It happens, it happens to everyone, for some people it happens once a month, once a year, and for some it's a daily battle. Like others have said, put it in the past, and make good choices at the next meal. Drink lots of water, throw out what you can. I find with little kids I tend to spend waaaaay too much time in the kitchen, If I can keep myself and them occupied in another part of the house, away from even having to look at the food, this helps. Can you guys rent a movie for tonight and just turn off the lights and snuggle up and watch TV? I also make pretty frequent use of light microwave popcorn. It fills me up, it tastes like a treat, and I feel like I can eat the whole bag without doing any real damage.

And, like others have said, you can't gain 5 pounds from one bad day. You might retain a little water, but it'll go away too. In any case, you're not a bad person because you stress ate! You're just a stressed person!

You guys are the GREATEST!!!! I wish I could respond to each post but the doorbell is already ringing here with trick-or-treaters and I am in charge of the candy. DH came home a little early and is keeping the kids upstairs so they won't run to the door.

I am going to make a normal low fat dinner for myself and have a salad with it and have been drinking lots of water today. OK, I admit, I had some ice cream, 2 more pieces of candy, and another half a carmel apple before I checked back, but you all made me feel like- OK, put it behind me. Its just one day and I won't let it spiral. I need a rest day today because I have been working out pretty intensly all week but tommorow morning its a fresh start and intense cardio workout for me :)

Anyway, thanks SO much. If it was not for your wonderful support, I may have just gone off the deep end and kept eating all night and into the next few days/ etc. .. BUT reading all your supportive kind posts has made me realize time to get back on track, eat a healthy dinner and just put it behind me.


Marci, you crack me up!..................


You sound like me, cause clearly before I tossed the caramel apples and candy I'd have had 1/2 an apple (rationalizing that it was better than having the whole thing) and a few more pieces of candy too! :)

Hey, some days are just like that!


Been there, done that!

I have feeding frenzies for three or four days every month, just coming out of one now. My soution this time round has been to scream a halt to it at some point, clean my teeth, put the kids to bed and then go to bed myself thus stopping myself from eating another whole 12oz choc, a whole packet of biscuits, several boxes of cereal, etc. Also, added benefit, I get more sleep and can get rid of some crabbiness.

Hope some of our solutions work for you.


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