Weight racks?


Hi everyone,

Since unfortunately I don't have a spare room I can use as an exercise room, I work out in my living room. However, that means a pile of dumbbells on the floor next to the t.v. - not very attractive. :-hmmm I've seen the typical metal weight racks, but I was wondering if anyone had any better ideas. Is there anything either with doors, or just better looking?

I appreciate any ideas -
I have a weight rack that I think is better looking than some metal ones. It's pyramid shaped, white-painted metal, and has room for 6 pairs of dumbells. It's a far cry from a fancy cabinet with doors (I don't think manufacturers think that big weights are going to be hanging around people's living rooms), but it's better than a pile of weights on the floor! I don't remember where I got it, but I think it was from an ad in Muscle and Fitness Magazine (some place that sells various types of benches and equipment).
Thanks for the reply Kathryn. Is there any indication on your rack of the manufacturer's name? I did a google search and couldn't find anything like what you're describing.

I bet if you did a search on videofitness.com you would come up with several to choose from. I did that and my husband looked at the photos and then he made me one.

Some are pyramid-shaped and some are shaped like a slanted rack of shelves. I like mine because it has capacity for plenty of weights.

I wish I had kept all those links for you but I got rid of them. HTH
Try this: [link:www.hamptonfit.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=commercial.rackingcopyID=4|weight rack photos]
Thanks everyone for the replies - some of those are really nice-looking, I would just have to figure out some way to cover it up. I was really hoping for something with doors. Oh well. I just really want to keep the living room looking like a living room! If you see any more ideas, make sure to post them, okay?

Hello Jen,

My link didn't work did it? Here it is again.


Click on Commercial Equipment, then Dumb bells and Barbells and then click on Pro-Hex dumbell. That will show you more information and if you click on the weight rack link it will open the weight rack window, which shows some beautiful weight racks.

You've probably already found something like it, judging from all the other helpful answers, but the brand name is "Body solid" (I'm pretty sure I got it from a full-page add in Muscle and Fitness).

About covering it up: it doesn't stick out too far (just the width of a large dumbell) so why not get a decorative throw or a wall hanging and drape it over the rack?

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