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  1. R

    Very important requests for the new series

    I am learning about this in Kinesiology and it's rather interesting! The squat was used as an example of passive insufficiency - why the hamstrings are less involved in the hip extension phase of a squat. Since the hamstrings cross both the hip and knee joint and their joint actions are hip...
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    Very important requests for the new series

    I am learning about this in Kinesiology and it's rather interesting! The squat was used as an example of passive insufficiency - why the hamstrings are less involved in the hip extension phase of a squat. Since the hamstrings cross both the hip and knee joint and their joint actions are hip...
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    Question for Maribeth

    Bumping But also want to mention that upon trying to analyze this further, since the joint action of the rear leg is knee extension, I'm not sure any type of insufficiency applies since there is no movemement occuring at both the hip and knee joint in the rear leg during the exercise - like in...
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    Question for Maribeth

    Hi Maribeth, I wrote you under the Golfers Elbow topic but with the abundance of posts in here it is now at the bottom of the queue. This is a popular place!:D I'd like to pick your very knowledgable brain in regards to a particular variation of a static lunge, or dip, as the Firm calls...
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    IMAX-2 too difficult??

    Hi Sharon, If all you can do now is the first five intervals, then stick with that until it becomes easier. Your muscles will soon learn to adjust to the higher intensities and neutralize the burn from the lactic acid (which might be making you feel sick). Once you feel ready to tackle...
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    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    Deborah - LOL at your flashing WTF! :7 Donna, my mouth flew open too upon reading your post. I almost forgot what century we are in... that is just awful and sadder still is that she will pass that racism down to her children if she has any, or scarily enough, procreates some day. I am...
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    What was I thinking all these years??

    Way to go, Susan! As an instructor I have never used above 6" and find that setting my step height at this level has participants following my example, no matter what their physical height may be. I am sure it does feel very weird on a lower bench but the range of motion is so much better...
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    Is this necessary?

    Kathryn, I think I know who you are referring to and she indeed has a very rude inference and haughty tone to her postings. Cathe has even once politely asked her to temper her writings. The purpose of this forum is to share knowledge, be supportive, and ask questios when unsure. This...
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    Maribeth, This is a topic that interests me as well. I am the Program Manager for a corporate fitness center where many employees are either plagued with carpal tunnel or golfers/tennis elbow, or want to prevent development of the problems. I am considering holding weekly 15 minute...
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    The Body Blast Series

    Cathe, you rock! I recently started a new job as Program Manager of a Corporate Fitness Center. The group exercise schedule was in great need of change. As part of the Spring schedule, I added pyramid style strength workouts and your format of Boot Camp, incorporating the different components...
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    Increasing cardio capacity

    Yes, it is the specificity of training that counts, concentrating on what you want to accomplish and working toward that goal. The only way to get better at intervals is to keep doing them. Your body will eventually become more efficient at neutralizing the burn from the lactic acid in your...
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    Cathe, please talk to my husband!

    If he refuses to do anything different, another way to shock results with the same workout is to change the order of the exercises without adding additional intensity. It creates the feel of a whole new workout. Do chest, triceps then shoulders. If you have the DVD format of Pure Strength he...
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    new firms?

    Hey Kathryn! Ah yes, the Goodmornings and Curtsy Dips. I modify those too. The curtsy dip isn't bad if you limit the range of curtsy motion. I never did get the purpose of that move with the excessive external hip rotation. The glutes extend and externally rotate the hip but the curtsy...
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    new firms?

    I love the new Firms! I actually have a love-hate relationship with the Firm but their system really is results-oriented. You can make these workouts as hard or easy as you want by adding more weight. My favorite is Emily's tape, then Jen's, then Allie's. What I hate about the Firm... the...
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    ? re: Form with Rear Delt work

    I found this info quoted from a Douglas Brooks article ... Just cause I find kinesiology so interesting, I am posting it. If you find that other source, definitely let me know! :7 ======================================================== "Pronated, half-prone and supinated wrists can all be...
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    ? re: Form with Rear Delt work

    Hey Kathryn, Douglas Brooks states in Effective Strength Training that the tricep muscles are unaffected by grip position and do not contribute to pronation or supination of the forearm. I believe their function in moving the arm backward (shoulder extension) is stabilization at the elbow...
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    ? re: Form with Rear Delt work

    RE: ? re: Form with Rear Delt Work Hi Kathryn and Jamie, The joint action of the triceps is elbow extension. The triceps work as primary movers during exercises where elbow extension occurs, such as overhead presses, lying or seated/standing extensions, kickbacks, etc. The triceps are...
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    ? re: Form with Rear Delt work

    RE: ? re: Form with Rear Delt Work Hi Jamie, I'm a personal trainer so maybe I can help. On the straight arm extension, try flexing the elbows a little bit. The triceps will generate less force from a slight bent arm position allowing you to concentrate on isolation of the rear...
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    Really bummed...

    I had Mono last summer and my job is in fitness, so not only did I have to curtail my own personal workouts, I also had to take a leave of absence from work. It's the jumping and jarring that can cause problems with Mono... anything that could cause sensitive organs to rupture. I curtailed...
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    New Video Poll

    Hi Cathe, I haven't read all of the replies in their entirety but would personally would like to see you move away from "killer" style workouts that cater to a smaller percentage of exercisers. Cathe, you have a real talent in this field and although you have given us all amazing...