Increasing cardio capacity


I usually only do cardio 3-4 times a week at 30-60 minutes a session. Would doing 5-6 cardio sessions a week with varying times increase my cardio capacity?

I've been working out for years and have never mastered an Imax without mods. I'm wondering if it is because I'm not putting in enough cardio time?

I'm not Cathe, but...

I'm not Cathe, but, I increased my capacity by adding intensity; not more cardio. If you work towards doing ONE interval and then add one interval when you can, you should increase your capacity, until you can do the entire thing. CTX Step and Intervals might be the thing to work towards first? There are only three intervals, and they are at the end of the workout, so you could work towards finishing that workout, and then start adding intervals from Imax I or II.

Hi Andrea-

Why do you need to do modifications? Are you out of breath, dizzy or are you thighs on fire? I have had IMAX 1 since it came out and I still have to modify the 8th? Interval with all of the alternating power lunges. Let's not even discuss how I perform on #9 from IMAX 2.

I ask you this because when I have to stop and modify, it is because my legs are on fire. Cardiovascularly, I could go on forever. I think for me it would be more of a muscular issue, possible endurance. I think I don't do this particular video enough to really increase my endurance for these intervals. I personally would probably have to do IMAX 2 times per week to get better at this. I currently only do it once.

If you are out of breath and dizzy then I would think it would be a cardiovascular issue. I could be wrong.
It sounds like you are getting plenty of cardio. Anyway, I am by no means an expert, so this is something I have always just assumed for myself. I would be interested in everyone else's ideas.

Good Luck!
Penny-I can finish the video, but not without some modifications.

Sarah-Yes, some of the intervals it is because my thighs are on fire. But #9 from Imax2 gets me totally out of breath AND my thighs are on fire.

I feel like my cardio capacity is in great shape. I just feel like it could be improved some.

Hey Andrea,

Isn't #9 in IMAX 2 the hardest one almost? The one where you do the power hops over the step? If it is, my legs burn so bad that they actually lock up on the second to last interval segment (the fifth one, or whatever). By this time, I am also many times using a 4 inch step, or atleast a 6 inch. I rarely do any step tapes now with an 8". Figured out it was just too uncomfortable for me!!! I do agree with the other poster that CTX will whip you into shape. I did a round with those and then went back to IMAX and everything felt easier. Creatine helped too, IMHO.

I think if it is anything, it is not duration of the cardio, but intensity. I used to think I could never do all the tuck jumps that Cathe does, but one day, I just thought the hell with it, I was going to push as hard as I could even if it meant I fell over and broke my ankle!!! What I am saying is up to a couple of months ago I used to modify just because I thought I had to for injury prevention reasons. It was all in my mind!!!! Now I jump so high on every rep that that is actually probably why my legs are locking, but I KNOW I am giving it my all. I would say to you do CTX Power Circuit and Step and Intervals and put everything ito EVERY jump and use real dynamic movements. It is shorter in duration but higher in intensity and I swear this helped me for IMAX.

But don't kid yourself. IMAX 1 and 2 are tough. They are hard for even the best of us. Oh, also what I do is the Boot Camp cardio segments only. I pause in between to rest long enough to sort of catch my breath, so it ends up being kinda like an interval workout. That has helped too...

I agree with those who said that it is the intensity not the duration that increases your cardio capacity. I increased my capacity doing the CTX cardios for a few weeks which are only around 30 minutes. When I went back and tried IMAX, I got through it without modifiying and only drinking 1 bottle of water, vs. 3! :p
Yes, it is the specificity of training that counts, concentrating on what you want to accomplish and working toward that goal.

The only way to get better at intervals is to keep doing them. Your body will eventually become more efficient at neutralizing the burn from the lactic acid in your muscles. The benefit with intervals is that they train your cardiorespiratory system to go longer in your other workouts, thereby improving overall endurance.

roe - boy is that the truth! I started doing Cathe's tapes several weeks ago, and have done part of imax 3 times. I'm up to 5 intervals! I was depressed because I'm a runner and thought boy I never realized how out of shape I am. Last Sunday I went for a three mile run, I normally do a 9.5 to 10 minute mile, this time my average mile was 8.5 - and it didn't hurt near as much as Cathe's tape!

I also agree that running now seems easier after Cathe interval tapes. I am suprised when I get outside how much less I sweat!!! And that "burn" is a whole new world for runners. Don't suppose they feel that too often unless they are doing inteval work of their own....


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