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  1. R

    fitness video critic

    I'm not Cathe but have been working in the fitness field for a long time. A fitness video critic should have a strong background in the areas of exercise phyisiology and kinesiology. A lot of what we see in videos isn't always good for us but the layperson would not know unless he or she...
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    FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Workouts!!

    RE: FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Worko... Kathryn, I posed this question to Douglas Brooks on the conference call yesterday, and he parroted your statements about the elevated lunge being more of a balance challenge with the rear leg on a high step in a semi-stretched state...
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    Just realized

    Hi there, I'm not Cathe but perhaps can assist as an instructor myself. The answer to how to get clients to use the ball is gradual introduction, patience and time. My members first said "We do not want to use this thing in muscle conditioning class." Period! This is because I was doing...
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    FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Workouts!!

    LOL Kathryn! :7 That butt hike threw me for a loop too. I think Anna must have been a little too creative with that one, like grasping at straws. I've only done SB once - it's in this video - and plan to do it again tonight so I'll try to figure out it's purpose. But I don't think the butt...
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    OK to do Strength Wkt day after BC or CW?

    I concur with A-Jock. If you are keeping the weight load relatively light on BC and CW a heavier strength routine the next day is most likely okay. In fact, in a Kinesiology workshop I attended last year, the emphasis on a full 48 hour rest between strength workouts is shifting over to doing...
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    Another question about form and alternatives..............

    RE: Another question about form and alternatives.......... I also place the bar in back but be very careful not to tip your body forward during the exercise. This is common with a heavy barbell across the shoulders. It is harder to maintain balance in this position so keep the chest lifted...
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    FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Workouts!!

    Francine - I forgot about that evil inner thigh work in SB. Mine were on fire!! Do you have any of the other FitPrime's like Weights First? I read good and bad reviews about that one and mostly bad reviews about Core First with Carissa Foster. Sheila - I plan to order From the Ground Up...
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    FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Workouts!!

    I am embarrassed to say that I haven't even pre-ordered Cathe's new Body Blast series as my body needs a change after so many years of classic Firms and Cathe workouts. Part of my job is to teach balance and core training using the stability balls, which led me to Collage for some new tapes and...
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    Low back sress or injury can radiate pain into the gluteal area. This is why it is best to get the problem diagnosed and treated by a professional. I am always being asked questions like this in my job as a Program Director for a corporate fitness center and although I have a pretty good...
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    So Frustrated with my eating habits!

    Hi Tina, I also love to eat and find that clean eating and counting every ounce of protein, fat and carbs doesn't work for me. It isn't realistic to expect a junk food junkie to suddenly eliminate it completely from their diet. The best thing to do is cut back a little bit at a time. One...
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    Suggestions for Someone with Knee Problems

    Kathryn - you and I think so much alike! AFAA's guidelines state not to jump on one leg for more than eight times in succession because of the risk of injury caused by repeated impact. Also, leaning forward during aerobic exercise (not keeping body weight balanced over entire foot) can lead to...
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    Please listen to Anne about form on Deadlifts! She is dead-on (no pun intended!). I won't even teach this move in a class because it is impossible to get everyone in proper alignment. The cues Cathe uses in her videos are perfect but if one has any postural imbalances it might be very...
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    Question about deltoids/ shoulders

    Yes, Punky has a point. If you look at an anatomy chart you will see that the deltoid muscle is actually below the very top of the shoulder - the bone you are describing. They key to developing the "cap" is to lower the weight load so that when you lift, the upper back (trapezius) does not...
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    Need input on dead rows..

    I tend to agree with Kathryn here and the 45 degree angle to take tension off the spine. What one must consider when lifting weights is the joint action of the working muscle amd the plane of movement it occurs in. Also, note that working the back with dumbbells in an upright position (pinching...
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    shoulder questions

    It could be a tear or inflammation of the long head of the biceps tendon which travels through the shoulder joint. Let us know what the doc says! -Roe
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    Someone explain the Pyramid Down or Up only?

    The entire Pyramid system (up, down or both) falls into the category of High Intensity Strength Training. HIT is designed to challenge the exerciser who has been strength training for at least six months with a goal of increasing both strength and size. The HIT system is meant to be...
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    What are Good Mornings?

    This is a very controversial exercise which can place way too much shear force on the spine. Douglas Brooks, an exercise physiologist who has published many books and is well respected as one of the best personal trainers in the world, refers to Good Mornings as "Good Morning to your Orthopedic...
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    Maribeth.....shoulder pains

    Joan, If you have been having this pain for over a week, it is best to have it looked at by your physician. The shoulder joint enables a lot of mobility at the cost of decreased stability. From your description, it sounds like an acute injury - one that had a sudden onset. This in itself...
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    ? about modification for lunges and squats

    Hi, Since the primary joint actions of a squat and lunge are hip extension and knee extension, exercises that target these actions will suffice as substitutes. The hamstrings and glutes are the hip extensors (The hamstrings also flex the knee.) Quarter deadlifts will target the hams and...
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    holding a 20 lb dumbbell in PUB

    Yes, the Marcy Grip plates! I was going to suggest those as an alternative. Walmart sells them really cheap but the only drawback is they jump from 5 to 10 to 25 lbs. There are no 12, 15, or 20. Holding two 10's is a little bit tricky with my small hands, so I just use my 25 lb plate and go...