shoulder questions


My DH has had an injured shoulder for about three months. He'a a warehouse manager so he hardly gets to rest it which is probably why it's gone on so long, but it's very puzzling to me what could be going on based on what he can and can't do without pain.

He can do:
upright rows, militaries, rear delt lifts, push-ups, front and rear flys, rotations, and dips.

He can't do:
side lateral raises, front raises, pullovers, any type of throwing motion.

Coracobrachialis? Anterior delt? The tendons that attach these muscles? I've finally convinced him to go to the doc, but wonder what the educated crowd thinks in the meanwhile.


Until he is diagnosed by a physician, he shouldn't be doing any weight lifting with that shoulder. He could have any of the injuries you have mentioned or a rotator cuff injury. Only a doctor will be able to properly diagnose what is going on there.
It could be a tear or inflammation of the long head of the biceps tendon which travels through the shoulder joint. Let us know what the doc says!


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