Maribeth.....shoulder pains


Active Member
Hi! I need advice. While doing Steaming Cardio over a week ago, during the hand stand segment, somehow I pulled a muscle or did something to my left shoulder and it is causing me great pain in the clavicle area closest to the throat area. The pain extended to the left side of my neck and left scapula. Also when I lift my arm all the way up, I can feel something rubbing against something there. At first the pain on the jugular notch (is that what you call it?) felt as if someone had punched me there very hard. I've been modifying my exercise movements, where I don't stress my shoulder area, etc. Also, I've been rubbing Chinese medicine in the painful areas. I also have been stretching my pecs over the ball and do trapezius stretches. I noticed that when I do the planks, my left shoulder immediately felt a relief from the pain. Can you tell me what steps I should take in order to not worsen my condition and hopefully restore it to full health? Or will I have to put up with this for the rest of my life? Sorry, it sounded drastic. Your opinion and expert advice is greatly appreciated. Also if anyone experienced this condition before, can you please share with me what you had/have to do about it? Is this a form of shoulder impingement? Thanks for reading this and I'm sorry it's so long.
With respect,

If you have been having this pain for over a week, it is best to have it looked at by your physician. The shoulder joint enables a lot of mobility at the cost of decreased stability. From your description, it sounds like an acute injury - one that had a sudden onset. This in itself indicates that possible damage was done to either a muscle or connective tissue.

Having it checked by a medical professional is your first step in determining whether or not you need to go on for physical therapy or give it a good rest. Stretching through pain is not always the best approach.

Diagnosing on the net is difficult, even for the most experienced.

Good luck!

What Roe said! DO NOT do another exercise until you hve been checked out by your physician. Any muscle pain that lasts more than a week should be checked out by a physician.
Thanks ladies. Yes I am going to get it checked as soon as I can make an appointment to see a chiropractor. I appreciate your response. ;-)
If you problem is a torn rotator or a ligament problem a chiropractor isn't going to do a thing for you. See your primary care physician before investing time & money with a chiropractor.

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