holding a 20 lb dumbbell in PUB


Hello Cathe and educated crowd :)

I'm wondering if I'm the only one that has a hard time holding a 20 lb dumbbell in the intensity series. I think it's in PUB where you hold it by the ends to do pullovers for the back. My hands seem to be too small to really hold it securely. Is anything lost by holding the dumbbell in a vertical position instead of a horizontal? That's what I've been doing to avoid a broken nose :7, but I'm wondering if I'm sacrificing form?

Would a different brand be any different?

I'd use it in the triceps section as well for the OH French press, but don't for the same reason.

I have to do this too. Also when Cathe and crew hold two 8 pound dumbbells in one hand (for one arm lat rows), I can't do that either and I will grab one 15# dumbbell instead. I sure don't have as big of hands as they do.

Hi Liz,

I do the same. It does seem awkward for me to hold the barbell horizontally. I feel the same way about overhead tricep extensions while holding a barbell horizontally. No thanks! :)

I wonder if holding the barbell this way hits the muscles on a different angle or if it just to change things up a bit?
I hold my dumbbell the same way. I feel uncomfortable holding it horizontally. My hands are a little on the small side too!

And I grab one 15 lb. dumbbell for the one arm rows. Can't wait until I graduate to 20 lbs!! :) All in due time! :)

Once I get above 15 pounds (my light sets), I hold the dumbbells vertically because I don't feel they are stable or safe when held horizontally. I have small hands, so that may be a factor. Though the vertical grip does put the shoulders in a neutral position and might be a bit less stressful on them, do whatever feels safest to you.
It's good to know I'm not alone with this!

I'd forgotten about when Cathe and crew grab the two 8#s. I also just grab one 15#. There's another workout, can't remember which one, where she does that again - grabs two - maybe Circuit Max?

OK, small-handed women unite! Let's demand the next set of workouts to include someone with small hands showing modifications for us....LOL! Just kidding! It must be close to dinner time - my blood sugar must be low ;)

Still would like to make sure that using a vertical grip instead of horizontal is ok. Maybe a light barbell would be better?


>Still would like to make sure that using a vertical grip
>instead of horizontal is ok. Maybe a light barbell would be

Cathe uses the veritcal grip in Slow and HEavy, and it's the standard grip used for doing these. The only caution I would have about the exercise in general is to not go down too low. Do it flat on the floor first to get your range of motion, and make sure you don't go below the "dumbbell hits the floor" position once you get back on the platform. (I do mine with elbows bent at about a 60 degree angle, go I can take the dumbbell down behind my head without pulling my shoulders too far back).
I'm not sure if you want to go out and buy more equipment, but Wal-Mart has plates that are shaped like Hexagons but they have cutouts so you can hold them. I think it would make the pullovers easier.
Yes, the Marcy Grip plates! I was going to suggest those as an alternative. Walmart sells them really cheap but the only drawback is they jump from 5 to 10 to 25 lbs. There are no 12, 15, or 20. Holding two 10's is a little bit tricky with my small hands, so I just use my 25 lb plate and go a little slower.

There is nothing wrong with holdng the 20 lb dumbbell vertically as Cathe does in her other tapes. The joint action on pullovers is shoulder extension with either grip - emphasizing the lats, posterior deltoid, and lower fibers of the chest, which extend the arm.

Omigosh! I feel like such an idiot! Of course, that is the perfect solution! I have four of the 25# hexagon plates sitting right next to my step! I can't believe this solution didn't jump out and bite me!!

Thank you, thank you, ladies!!


Edited to add: Roe, thank you for the very specific information in your last paragraph. This is exactly what I was looking for!

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