Another question about form and alternatives..............


When doing Power Hour during the plies Cathe holds the barbell in front with it resting on your arms and shoulders with your hands at your neck,together. My problem is my carpel tunnel is acting up when I do this position and my hand is falling asleep. She mentions that you can find another position if this one doesn't work for you, but what other position for the barbell is there for plies other than behind your back like in the squats? Would the behind your back work for plies as it does for squats? Sorry for rambling but I really don't want my hand to fall asleep and then end up dropping the barbell.

RE: Another question about form and alternatives..........

:) During plies I put the barbell on my shoulders, as holding the barbell in front hurts my wrists also. It seems easier for me to do the plie squats this way:) The same benefits are achieved either way.;-)
RE: Another question about form and alternatives..........

I also place the bar in back but be very careful not to tip your body forward during the exercise. This is common with a heavy barbell across the shoulders. It is harder to maintain balance in this position so keep the chest lifted, shoulders drawn back, and abdominals contracted throughout.

Another alternative is to hold a dumbbell vertically like Cathe does in Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders. This keeps your body upright but does place some stress on the shoulders with a heavy weight at the end of a long lever (arms). Experiment until you find what feels right for you.

RE: Another question about form and alternatives..........

Hey Annette,

You could also use dumbbells if you have dumbbells that will equal the same amount that you would put on your bar. You can hold the dumbbells on your shoulders like they do in the Firm workout videos or you can hold them in your hands at your hips. I wanted to post pictures for you but I can't find any of the Firm instructors. Bummer. One final suggestion is to hold a single HEAVY dumbbell like this...
RE: Another question about form and alternatives..........

Thank you gals for the alternative I did Power Hour this morning used the dumbbell idea from Fitness Goddess and it worked well. I also dropped a pound again (I gained 4 recently and had the devil of a time getting them back off) but I only have 3 now to go to get back to where I was:+

Thanks again for the suggestions:)

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