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  1. R

    I have an extra Troy Barbell Set....

    Hi Annette, I would not recommend this step for step aerobics if that is your plan. It just doesn't work well for that purpose, at least for me. I use it as a bench for strength training. The surface doesn't feel as skid-proof as the regular club step. I do feel it would be cumbersome...
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    I have an extra Troy Barbell Set....

    Being in the fitness field has left me with a surplus of equipment cluttering up my apartment! If anyone lives in the Shrewsbury, MA area and would like a Troy barbell - new and fully loaded (with two extra 5 lb plates) - let me know. Total weight including the 5 lb bar is 50 lbs. I would...
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    SNM: Who's the "Mystery Crew"?

    And Francine lives near Cathe's studio, so the puzzle pieces fit!
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    upper and lower pyramid

    The plank work is tough because the upper body is already fried from the weights. Cathe has suggested tackling the plank work separately from the upper body work if it is troublesome, so if you have the DVD and can cue it up fast, practice on days when your upper body can handle the planks...
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    SNM: Who's the "Mystery Crew"?

    I think it's our very own Francine! She hasn't been around here much...
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    Cathe's Toughest

    After doing IMAX 2 for awhile, I went back to MIC (which used to trash me) and it was so much easier endurance wise. The interval workouts really do increase aerobic capacity for the longer duration cardio workouts. I find BodyMax to be the hardest to get through in one long session so save...
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    If one wanted to look like a fitness professional.....

    >If you always do what you've always'll always have what >you already got! Jen, this is a wonderful statement! May I quote you and use it with my members at the fitness center I manage? Too bad the weekly newsletter already went out - this would have fit perfectly with the...
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    Finding small clothing sizes

    Callie, I have a brand new pair of size 0 Victoria Secret jeans (sits below the navel but not super low cut) that I actually bought last year when I got sick with mono. I wore them once, washed them, and now they are sitting in my closet laughing at me. :7 I am back into a size 1/2 and...
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    If one wanted to look like a fitness professional.....

    When I think of a genetically giften person, Heather Locklear comes to mind. Her body hasn't changed much at all since she first started acting, even after a pregnancy. Sarah Jessica Parker too. I am sure they had trainers post-partum, but the genetics were already there to bounce back...
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    I don't really know what provoked all of this. If my long reply was never read, then why the need to bother to reply to it? My replies were meant to be sarcastic, tongue in cheek. There are topics on this forum (the DVD one comes to mind) where others offered their advice and she behaved in...
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    Oh, Amy, may a 25 lb dummbbell fall on your head and knock some kindness into you. I'm off to do my FitPrime and table this silliness. -Roe
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    Amy, I am by no means a Firm spy but think what you must. Your mind is obviously made up, not to mention messed up. Your post made me laugh. ME patornizing? Your posts in many of these topics are so full of defensivenss and paranoia. You save the FitPrimes for days you are exhausted...
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    If one wanted to look like a fitness professional.....

    Clare - that was an eloquent post and very, very true. Their lifestyle is very focused around fitness to the exclusion of much else. I often wonder how Cathe maintains her tiny physique and wish she would share more information on her diet with us. Her body has undergone some extensive...
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    One more point Amy, I DID NOT come here from another forum to dispense pearls of wisdom. I have been reading and participating on Cathe's forum since it's inception. Do a searh and you will find many of my posts. I hope his week has you in a better mood. -Roe
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    Hi Amy and others, I did not see all the heated and unheated replies until right now. Let me clarify. To the person who wrote: RESULTS THAT YOU CAN SEE That is exactly what I meant when I said Cathe gives us workouts that are visually pleasing. The majority of her workouts focus on...
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    It just cracks me up when people say the FitPrimes (and Firms) are too easy. They are by no means easy unless you are doing them wrong (poor form, not enough resistance). I wouldn't even try to compare the FitPrimes to Cathe because their goals are entirely different in nature. The FitPrimes...
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    Cathe, sore calves after static lunges

    The calf of the back leg gets worked in static lunges due to being on the ball of the foot. The calves plantarflex the ankle (point your toe and you will feel the calf muscle tighten). If your calf muscles are tight, this will only exacerbate the soreness, so best to spend some extra time...
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    If you can afford both, that would be my vote. I have, use, and love Tamilee's "I Want Those Abs". There are some very good exercises, some that Cathe even does in the Intensity Series. IWTA really hits the lower segments of the rectus nicely, as well as the obliques. Tamilee is one of the...
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    What's the deal with preacher curls?

    Here is even more precise explanation: The Biceps group consists of the Biceps Bracchi, Brachialis, and Brachioradialus muscles. The Biceps Bracchi crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints (called a bi-articulate muscle - articulation meaning joint) and assists with shoulder flexion. In...
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    Bicep shape - what am I doing wrong?

    I meant training them once per week outside of your regular video workouts. This way, you won't be working to music and have to keep up with a tempo. It will be easier to lift to your maximum capacity without a video. Without a barbell too, since you want to develop even strength in both arms...