What's the deal with preacher curls?


What are the advantages (if any) of doing preacher curls as opposed to regular biceps curls?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Preacher curls, along with isolation curls with elbow braced on the inside of the knee, minimize the contribution of the anterior deltoid during the curl and focus the effort more in the biceps muscles. No position can ever completely eliminate the assistance of surrounding muscles, but it can minimize it sometimes.

Here is even more precise explanation:

The Biceps group consists of the Biceps Bracchi, Brachialis, and Brachioradialus muscles.

The Biceps Bracchi crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints (called a bi-articulate muscle - articulation meaning joint) and assists with shoulder flexion. In a Preacher or Concentration curl, the flexion of the shoulder places the biceps bracchi in a state of active insufficiency, meaning it is too short to work at both joints, minimizing its contribution to the exercise. This places more emphasis on the brachialis and brachioradalis, which act only at the elbow.

Biarticulate muscles are best worked when they are stretched over one joint while working at the other. In the case of a Preacher curl, the Biceps Bracchi is active during both shoulder flexion and elbow flexion. This is why it is too short to work at both joints and cannot contribute as much to the exercise.


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