Bicep shape - what am I doing wrong?


What moves will create round biceps?
I must have biceps because I lift fairly heavy(11-13 lbs each arm) and the bicep portion below my shoulder on the outside of my arm is visible when I flex, but the inside of my biceps are not round(goose egg shape some might call it)and do not stick up when I make a muscle. And why am I not sore after doing Pyramid Upper biceps? I use enough weight to overload as I sometimes can't do reps 7&8 at the high point - just can't get it up there without taking a break.

I have long, lean muscles and want to bulk up. What's the best thing I can do? Is it even possible, or should I just accept that genetics won't allow me to have mass?
:) I have the same problem as you and would like to know what I can do to get some definition in my biceps. I lift heavy, but when I make a muscle it is like there is nothing there. I thought maybe I was not getting enough protein. Actually, I just starting weight training in March, maybe I need to give it time. ;-)
Truthfully, your genetics determines the amount of definition, and your bodyfat % plays a role with visibility of the definition achieved. If you are an ectomorphic type -tall with long limbs - your biceps will get stronger with training, but the size is going to be dependent on good ol' Mom and Dad!

Something you might want to try is training your biceps one day per week separate from the video. Without music to determine the speed, you can really concentrate on lifting heavier. Work your arms unilaterally (one at a time) with dumbbells to avoid your stronger side taking over for your weaker side. Aim for 6-8 reps of the heaviest weight you can lift with good techinique - no elbow flaring, lowering to a full stretch without elbow lockout - spine aligned in neutral (halfway between an extreme arch or flat back) with core muscles engaged. Lifting heavier requires more rest in between sets. You want to be able to recover enough to lift the same weight again. I would start conservatively, with 1-2 sets.

Be sure to stretch your biceps after your workouts, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Muscles that are too tight will not be able to generate sufficient force to do work, and that can also hinder results.

As an aside, how strong are your triceps - the opposing group?

First I'll clarify - I'm fairly short(5'4") but have have a hard time building mass.

Second, do you mean train biceps twice a week total(once with the video and once without), or train them every other day or every two days using the video all but once in the week?

As for my triceps - with Pyramid Upper, I use 5#(12reps),6#(10reps),6#(8reps),5#(10reps),4#(12reps). Is that relatively proportionate to my bicep strength(11-13#)? Are my triceps strong or weak?
I meant training them once per week outside of your regular video workouts. This way, you won't be working to music and have to keep up with a tempo. It will be easier to lift to your maximum capacity without a video. Without a barbell too, since you want to develop even strength in both arms and dumbbells better accomplish this.

Triceps are a muscle group that tends toward weakening, so if you are going to devote more time to biceps, be sure to balance it with tricep work, and stretch both muscle groups after the workout to avoid developing an imbalance between the opposing groups.


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