I have an extra Troy Barbell Set....


Being in the fitness field has left me with a surplus of equipment cluttering up my apartment! If anyone lives in the Shrewsbury, MA area and would like a Troy barbell - new and fully loaded (with two extra 5 lb plates) - let me know. Total weight including the 5 lb bar is 50 lbs.

I would like to save someone the cost of shipping if you were thinking of buying it new and live near me.

Also have an extra Firm "Fanny Lifter" (not that anyone would want one but would sell it cheap! :7 ) and the black and grey Super Step Cathe and her crew uses in the videos.

Out of curiosity what do you want for the step? I have a smaller shorter step and really could use a longer one. Of course I don't live in MA so it would have to be shipped but I could pay for that barring it is not as much as a new step to ship it,LOL!!

Hi Annette,

I would not recommend this step for step aerobics if that is your plan. It just doesn't work well for that purpose, at least for me. I use it as a bench for strength training. The surface doesn't feel as skid-proof as the regular club step.

I do feel it would be cumbersome to ship in terms of getting the materials, etc., and if I took it to one of those mailboxes, etc. type places they would probably charge at least $20 or more, so I doubt you would save money buying it from me. I paid $80 for the step at Walmart which included the cost of shipping. If I sold it locally, no shipping costs, I would let it go for $50.

Hey Roe,
My friend is looking at garage sales for a fanny lifter. How much do you want for it?
Thanks Roe for letting me know! It was just a thought. Hope you find someone who will take it off your hands.:D
<<<Also have an extra Firm "Fanny Lifter" (not that anyone would want one but would sell it cheap! :7 ) >>>

I use my fanny lifter as an extra table on our balcony. I hate that little thing. I wear a size 9 1/2 in workout shoes and I always have to look down to make sure I don't miss step because the dang thing is so small. So I just put it on the balcony to hold drinks, books or whatever and I use a real step for my workouts.:+
Depends on what cheap is, I have to watch what I spend since I have a son graduating this next yr :7 ... I could afford 30 maybe 40 dollars for one, but no more ....
I am totally amazed how much some of the ladies spend on exercise clothes and equipment, not that I wouldn't if I could lol. Any depends on what your asking :7 ......... Rhonda :7
I would sell the Troy Barbell for $40 minus the extra two 5 lb plates (which could be used on my Walmart Barbell) which I bought separately. The complete set contains the 5 lb bar, two 7.5 lb plates, two 5 lb plates, and four 2.5 lb plates.

As for the extra Fanny Lifter, I need to give that some thought cause now I like the idea of a patio table, LOL!

Anyone who is interested, feel free to email me personally.

Hi DeeDee,
I guess I should have made myself more clear who I was posting that message to lol, I was wondering what you meant by cheap on the fanny lifter.
I don't need a barbell, got one of those.
If cheap is cheap enough I might take it off your hands, IF you still want to sell it .... Thanks Rhonda :7

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