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  1. S


    Also...I am wondering if these balls are going to be options as well? I don't mind buying them however I'd like to know that there will be modifications shown without the balls in case I really don't want to use them and/or have to purchase more equipment. Don't get me wrong....I'll try...
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    Self tanners revisited,what worked for you?

    I have used many self-tanners and had O.k results from them. The only one I have found to be superior to all the others IMO, is SUN Ultra Dark. It is great for sensitive skin and I struggle with adult acne so this is also dermatologist recommended for me. It gives the best NATURAL looking tan...
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    Samantha Runnion

    Whew! Amen, amen, amen! You couldn't have said it better! Our society just *loves* to pamper and pet the evildoers of this world and then turn around and justify it all as victimization (sp?) One thing is for sure..our children are NOT safe, nor will they ever be with a system who sympathizes...
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    New Firm videos at collage

    You can go over to I believe there is at least 2 reviews of these new Firm videos. From what I've read, people aren't too thrilled with them. The videos are geared toward beg/int level. Some people who are die-hard Firmies seem to think that they are o.k. but others aren't...
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    Hate to see the end of S&H rotation !!

    Yes, I know what you mean. I am actually starting this rotation up for my 2nd time come this Monday. Did a 3 week S&H rotation back in January and saw fantastic results! I love the music, the set, EVERYTHING!!! When the 3 week rotation cam to an end, I really think I had S&H withdrawals ;)
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    No comparison!

    O.k. I've tried, really tried, to get into other workouts besides Cathe!! I Firmed exclusively for 7 years before venturing onto Cathe and now Cathe is all I do with the exception of some Mindy Mylrea. It seems like other videos I try don't compare to Cathe's intensity, fun, music, cueing...
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    RE: Gee, I don't want to hurt anybody (except maybe my ex husband)! LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-02 AT 07:00PM (Est)[p]>I get in trouble for my >honesty. But I am >aware that MY perceptions may >not be the perceptions of >OTHERS! I mean no >personal offense at anyone. > >I just think that...
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    Why don't people understand?

    RE: That's it! I know how everyone feels here! My case, however, seems to be a wee bit more frustrating for the fact that I am 5'0" and weigh 105 lbs. I am by far...skinny. OOOH...I hate that word used on me! I consider myself to be very fit and it's really my genetic make-up that constitutes...
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    See my reply over in Video Comments section ;)
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    You know, I was almost tempted to buy into The Firm's so-called deal that they are currently offering but I contemplated a few things first. Here are my thoughts; 1.) Products that are used in infomercials are almost ALWAYS marketed months later in retail or discount stores...
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    What's the difference between hi/lo and step?

    RE: Yes Hollie! Good to know! I have always been a big fan of hi/lo and was really missing it when step came "in". I find that hi/lo has always been a bit more challenging cardiovascular-wise for me! I love it!
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    Chest development

    RE: Lower portion of pecs suggestion :) Thanks for the useful tips...I'll be sure to try them!
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    Chest development

    Yes, have a few of those "Wonder Bras" but they really don't do much when it's time to wear the bikini if ya know what I mean. :)Oh well...anybody out there can answer this one yet?
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    Cedie gives me encouragement!

    Yep! I was working out to S&H this morning and really noticed how defined and muscular Cedie looked. I have watched her in past videos with Cathe and she certainly has changed her physique with the weight-training. She even had a baby! She looks so good. Just seeing the changes in her from the...
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    Chest development

    I have noticed since working my chest with weights that my pectoral muscles exceed over my actual breasts. I am very small busted to begin with (34A) and lost most of my breast tissue after nursing my daughter. The pectoral muscle development has made my breasts much lower and I am wondering if...
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    Ok....silly question!

    Connie, that makes sense to me! Thanks for everyone's input..I guess I'm not alone with this kind of thing after all! :)
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    Ok....silly question!

    I am posting a very silly question but if anyone can possibly answer it, I would greatly appreciate it. Ok., whenever I do a cardio workout and get "pumping" into my target heartrate zone, I notice that my nose runs. I mean, I almost always need to wipe my nose during my workout. Does this...
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    Designer protein

    Hi! I use Designer protein every day as a supplement. I do not eat any red meat and I don't really consume all that much protein from other foods so I need this supplement. In my opinion, Designer Chocolate is probably the best tasting flavor (but only when mixed with milk, not water) Strawberry...
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    Letting the Firm go for awhile

    Yes, I also agree. Change is nice (and noticeable too, with Cathe ;) ) I used Firm workouts exclusively for years and then a few months ago started with Cathe. I gotta say, I never went back to Firming. Sold most of my Firm videos with the exception of my beloved Classics. I feel that change in...
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    Does it matter?

    Hi Cathe(and educated crowd) I am wondering if I really have to lift my upper body for abs when doing reverse crunches. I mean, can't I just lift and contract the lower body (abs) and NOT lift with the upper? I don't mean to sound like a wimp but sometimes I don't really feel like lifting my...