Samantha Runnion


Please pardon me while I rant. Another little girl was kidnapped and murdered today; it hurts so much to hear about this stuff, but it's important we know about it and the dangers kids face today from things like this, drugs, drinking, smoking, date rape in their teen years and beyond. It just bums me out, so like the other lady I need a shoulder to cry on if you don't mind. It's so stressful.

Today, well yesterday now, WOULD HAVE BEEN Samantha Runnion's 6th birthday. A birthday she never got to see. Why? Because some dirtbag predatorial creep couldn't fondle his ex-girlfriend's daughter anymore, so he went out and kidnapped and raped someone else. And I guess some bleeding heart, spineless, lame brained jury must've decided he was another "victim of society" or something and acquitted him. So only a year later he(it) strikes again and this time killed his victim. Samantha, the REAL victim!!

My DH was saying earlier that he would like to feed that jury from last year to a school of hungry piranhas. And then added that he would like to put a bullet right between his, Avila or whatver it's name's eyes. He didn't get any argument from me.

Like it or not guys, I don't have a lot of hope for Elizabeth Smart, but I'm so glad that little girl in NY escaped a few days ago. She's a very brave little girl.

What really infuriates me more than ever are those liberal ACLU types who are always more concerned about protecting the criminal than the victims. They're always pampering and coddling these rapists, drug dealers, pornographers and child pornographers at all costs, making on like those scumbags are the victims, while some family is crying over the loss of their child or other family member.

Now there's a rule coming down that protects the privacy of sex offenders, because the ACLU and others think that we should not be notified when guys like that Avila and others move into our neighborhoods.

And last night on one of the newsshows, maybe Fox News I heard about some guy who was acquitted of the murders of three(?) women because he and his lawyer claimed he did it all while sleepwalking!!! I kid you not!! Sleepwalking!!! :-mad

Oh, and we're just supposed to let him go because he has a sleeping disorder! Does he get a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for that?!! Gee, maybe I should go on a shooting rampage sometime with a gun and claim I did it because I'm allergic to cashews or maybe because I have bunions! And then there's the "victim of society" line or some other crap.

Folks we have to do something to protect our families and our neighborhoods. Because juries and stupid judges like the ones who tried to outlaw The Pledge of Allegiance are not on our side.
Whew! Amen, amen, amen! You couldn't have said it better! Our society just *loves* to pamper and pet the evildoers of this world and then turn around and justify it all as victimization (sp?)

One thing is for sure..our children are NOT safe, nor will they ever be with a system who sympathizes with those who defile and destroy them.

Great post! Hope others will read this :)
These kind of people need to be introduced to an M-16, then be made to hold the clip in their bellies. I'd volunteer for this job.
If that guy had done that to any of my family members he'd be dead-- end of story. And I'd accept the end punishment for myself.

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