Chest development


I have noticed since working my chest with weights that my pectoral muscles exceed over my actual breasts. I am very small busted to begin with (34A) and lost most of my breast tissue after nursing my daughter. The pectoral muscle development has made my breasts much lower and I am wondering if all these chest exercises will actually create the pectorals to "lump" over my bustline. Does this make any kind of sense??? I know it sounds odd, but just in case there is someone out there who may understand what I am referring to, I am posting this question. Thanks in advance! :)
You know, Strongheart, I am SO glad you posted this question because I have the EXACT same problem. I was a 34C before I had any kids, and now after three weanings I can barely fill an A and since I began using heavy weights I have noticed the same odd muscle thing you have. I have always wanted to know why the breast tissue just evaporates like that after nursing - can you tell this really bothers me?? :-( Anyway, sorry I posted this long message without giving you anything but more questions but if it helps at all I know how you feel. It stinks, doesn't it?? Hope somebody else out there knows more than me, for both of our sakes! Thanks!
Here's what comes to mind - in women's workouts for the chest we tend to focus on the upper and middle area of the pec muscle to develop cleavage - this might cause the effect you're seeing (this is just a guess). I've noticed in the men's muscle magazines they include exercises for the lower area of the pec muscle(s?). Perhaps using some of these exercises might lift everything back up again? Maybe someone else out there knows if this will work...
As a fellow 34A ( on a day I'm retaining water :) , I can only say one thing....Wonder Bra....hee hee. I know it doesn't answer your question, but its my salvation.
Yes, have a few of those "Wonder Bras" but they really don't do much when it's time to wear the bikini if ya know what I mean. :)Oh well...anybody out there can answer this one yet?
That's an interesting thought, Suedix - I will have to look into that. I still wonder, though - does anybody know the reasons behind the process that leads to post-weaning "shrinkage"? Maybe I could deal with it better if I just knew why....not that I regret nursing, not at all, but this is a depressing development. :'(
Another one

No answers, just agreement. I'm not even sure a wonderbra would help me. I'm a 36A and many fitness tops make be look like a boy. My boobs just have no oomph! I thought maybe they'd come back after a while, but it's been a year since my baby was born!

RE: Another one

How do you work th lower chest? I heard assisted dips hits that area, is there an exercise you can do at home that can target it too?
RE: Lower portion of pecs suggestion

Push-ups with feet on floor rather than on a bench;

Pec flyes in a DECLINE position (set three risers of your step on one side and one riser on the other, position your step bench, and position YOU so that your head is at the LOWER end);

Bench presses (either with barbell or dumbbells) also in a DECLINE position.

RE: Lower portion of pecs suggestion

So would doing declines instead of the inclines in S&H help out or should I do them in addition to the inclines making it basically 9 sets of 3 chest presses? (regular, inclines,declines) Not including her sets for flyes or should I just sub them for either?
RE: Lower portion of pecs suggestion

Yes, exactly what Annette said...Decline bench presses will target the lower part of the chest.

I too used to notice if I did too much incline bench work that the same thing happened to me. Therefore, I generally put much more emphasis on chest presses with a flat bench rather than incline (i.e. I use heavier weight on flat bench vs incline bench).

You can buy bikini tops like that. I believe I've seen them in Victoria Secret and Venus!! Now can they make one that shrinks the bottom about 4-6 inches????
RE: Lower portion of pecs suggestion

I never thought of that - maybe from now on I'll just leave the bench flat instead of inclining it. I tried doing chest presses on a decline today and they do feel different - but I think it will take some practice because I felt like I was sliding off!

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