Ok....silly question!


I am posting a very silly question but if anyone can possibly answer it, I would greatly appreciate it. Ok., whenever I do a cardio workout and get "pumping" into my target heartrate zone, I notice that my nose runs. I mean, I almost always need to wipe my nose during my workout. Does this indicate anything or is it just a fluke thing with me? Thanks for listening. :)
I don't think that is a silly question at all as I do the same thing. I have no idea why this happens, but it seems like the more I sweat the runnier my nose gets. lol
I don't...

...think it's a silly question! I have an instructor friend that has the same thing happen. She keeps a kleenex tucked inside the top of her sock! :7 I would think that you are just getting your sinus's flowing which sounds like a good thing. (Just like your blood flowing) Hmmm, just my unprofessional opinion.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I don't...

It happens to me when I go running, I always thought my nose was trying to keep from drying out from all the heavy breathing pushing all that extra air through it. I wipe my nose on my T-shirt when no one is looking, after all, it will soon need to be washed anyway. So, I wouldn't worry about it, it is probably just another unpleasant side-effect of being healthy and exercising a lot, kinda like sweat and extra laundry.
It happens to me as well. I don't know why, but it can be a bother when you've got to stop to blow your nose. It must be more common that I thought.

Keta. :D

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LOL! I'm not alone! Yep this happens to me too, but when I'm doing intervals. That is Interval Max and those drills in Cardio Kicks. As soon as I finish an interval or a drill my nose is runny. I wish I knew why that happens, but I don't.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-02 AT 00:27AM (Est)[/font][p]Okay I think I know why this happens. All the water vapor in your breath (you can see it in the winter when you exhale outside) condenses on the inside of your nose. You're (we're) breathing more deeply and rapidly and this, besides sweating, is another way we lose water while exercising.

DEFINITELY Not alone....

It clears my sinuses first thing in the morning!
I am an old-fashion person who uses a "hankie".
Hey--- dont' knock it till you try it!

I use to use a paper towel or tissue, but I literally have my nose run soooooo much that it just didn't work. I switched to handkerchiefs (have you ever seen an elderly gentleman with a red nose from blowing it?? They may be on to something!)....

On the Seagull Century, I had a cyclist come up behind me and say I must have been the most "politically correct" person on the ride since I was probably the only person to use a HANKIE (and have it in my jersey pocket).

When I do Cathe's tapes, I keep it on the recliner, so when I grapevine or get to a convenient spot, I can grab it, blow and never miss a beat!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh it feels sooooooooo good.

RE: DEFINITELY Not alone....

There's no such thing as a silly question! Count me in on the runny nose bunch!
Cleda ...

When you're on the bike, you have to learn how to lean over and just let it loose. It's a great way to get people off your wheel, especially if they've been hanging on and not offering to do their share of the work. :p

(Oh, you also have to pay attention to which way the wind is blowing when you do this ...)
No~this doesn't happen to me, but as long as we're on the topic of workout woes.....
Okay~keeping in mind that my body is still adjusting to my increased fiber intake, I swear I can't do abs without farting!
It is sooooo embarrassing :( I'll actually hear my husband and daughter cracking up laughing through the door because they hear me, and now they'll even say, "doing abs huh?" Fiber is a good thing I know, but I could never work out in a gym, I'd be mortified!
Hope this didn't gross anyone out, but I figure if we can talk about snot, we can talk about farts :)
Happens to me all the time. Just said something a little while ago about it to DH. I don't know why it happens.
RE: KimberlyH's comment

You just made be about pee my pants. That was tooooooooo funny. I'll be thinking different thoughts the next time I am slacking on someone's wheel...:)
Thanks for the laugh....
Donna - that is too funny! You gave me a good chuckle :) I always enjoy your posts.

Funny how our bodies do these things. On some mornings, I constantly yawn during my workouts - especially weight routines :)


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