

Let me be the first to ask...Can you give more specifics on the 8 pound medicine ball?...What is its diameter?...Does it need to be able to bounce?....How can we determine if we will need a 6 pound or 10 pound ball or if a basketball with do?....Also, what is the diameter of the stability ball?....??????????????????????

Thanks in advance,

Also...I am wondering if these balls are going to be options as well? I don't mind buying them however I'd like to know that there will be modifications shown without the balls in case I really don't want to use them and/or have to purchase more equipment.

Don't get me wrong....I'll try anything Cathe does but want to have an option too :)
Also...I am wondering if these balls are going to be options as well? I don't mind buying them however I'd like to know that there will be modifications shown without the balls in case I really don't want to use them and/or have to purchase more equipment.

Don't get me wrong....I'll try anything Cathe does but want to have an option too :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-02 AT 09:09PM (Est)[/font][p]A medicine ball is similar to a dumbbell except it's kinda squishy. You could probably use a basketball at first if you want....I don't see why you couldn't.

I have some vid's that use medicine balls. Since I didn't want to buy another piece of equipment - I used a dumbbell instead. It works out great.

Kali :)

P.S -

Here's a link about Medicine balls:

If the link doesn't work - go to and type in medicine ball in the search box.

I will use your suggestion when I get the dvd's and then if I decide I will order a medcine ball.

The size of the stability ball you will want to buy is determined by your height. I got mine from Fitness First. If you go to their website I'm sure the information is there. I'm really excited to use this with Cathe's new videos. It really does work your abs hard!

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