Search results

  1. T

    Curves for Women?

    Hi Colette, Curves is a 1/2 hour work out on resistance weight machines at an aerobic pace. They have several different stations such as a bicep/tricep, squat, skier machines and a board for jogging. You go from machine to machine. Each machine is about 30 seconds. In the aerobic phase you...
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    looking for weight loss ideas/rotations

    Do you guys have any thoughts on eating soup and the sodium content? I usually have a can of progresso soup everyday for lunch. Do need to be more consistent with the amount of water I drink daily. Thanks, Tracy
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    Weight loss checkin

    Hi Everyone, I have not weighed myself since Christmas. Then I weighed 148 after losing 2 lbs. I am sure I have gained that back since I have went on vacation, moving and living out of a suitcase. I have started weight watchers point system today. We'll see if I can stick to it. Ideal...
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    Back Surgery

    RE: jUST aSKING I think I have the full disk. It was a large bulge and they cut it open and stuff came out. I ended up haveing another MRI because of the long flare up and my surgeon said I had very little scar tissue. He never said what he thought the pain was from. I really don't know...
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    Back Surgery

    Hi Ann, I posted this for Sarah a couple weeks back.- Her post was labeled herniated disk. Hi Sarah, I had a big bulge on my disk. I think it was L4? I was in pain for 3 years before I got a referal to see a neurosurgeon. He said I needed surgery. I did it. It was one of the best decisions I...
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    Fiber - how much?

    Hi Everyone, I eat fiber one in my yogurt. I think it tastes pretty good. I will also mix it in with my Kashi sometimes. It is good enough to eat when you get 14 grams per 1/2 cup. Tracy
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    Heart Rate Monitors

    Hi Sharon, I just posted a question with cathe to see if it would be benefical to get a MR monitor. I posted it under tboman if you would like to see what everyone posts. Does anyone have an idea of a good, less bulky HR monitor? Thanks, Tracy
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    Working out at 60-80%

    Hi Cathe, I just read an article on how JoDee Messina lost weight. She ate every two hours and used a heart rate monitor. The article said that using a heart rate monitor is very helpful because it lets you know if you are over 80%. It said that it is better to stay between 60-80% to burn...
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    Gallbladder and weight loss

    Hi Katie, My friend had her gallbladder taken out and she has had cronic diareha ever since. I guess that can happen and take 6 months to get back to normal. That is all I know. Take Care, Tracy
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    Herniated disc

    Hi Sarah, I had a big bulge on my disk. I think it was L4? I was in pain for 3 years before I got a referal to see a neurosurgeon. He said I needed surgery. I did it. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had pretty good results. I recovered really slow. Some people can...
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    Abs at the beginning of the workout

    Cathe, Could you ever make a tape where the abs are the first to get done and over with?? Can you tell they are not my favorite? I am usually pretty tired by the time we start them and cut them out if I am short of time. I do realize with DVD I can chose to do them first. Tracy
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    Can I eat as much fruit as I want?

    Hi Cathe and Fans, Can I eat as many fruits as I want a day? Cathe - I know you do not claim to be a nutritionist but thought you may have an idea. I have read not to have more than 2 peices because of sugar content. If I stay within my calorie guideline couldn't I have a banana, apple...
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    off topic: but------

    A merciful god? I was looking for one when "The biggest Vikings Fan" went to her very first game which was the NFC championship against the Falcons a few years back. He didn't show. I wonder if I will ever see my team win the super bowl in my life time. I am 29. Anyway will be a fan of the...
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    low fat or fat free salad dressing

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if you would help me find some low fat or non fat salad dressing. I love salad. I usually have lettuce, tomato, green pepper, carrots and grilled chicken. I really can't stand the taste of fat free dressings. The ones I have tried are horrible. Ranch especially...
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    What will Cathe do in 2002?

    Wow - the cathe craze we all have. Great - can't wait. I to like some of you may try to like yoga if Cathe creates a workout. Tracy
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    Thanks, from a silent follower

    Hi Cindy, I agree with the others who have posted. You could start with MIS and use a weight that suits your strength right now. If you haven't done much weight trainig 5 lbs is a great weight to start with for your upper body. Also another suggestion - Are you familiar with the CTX series...
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    Lunges, barbell, abs - 3 questions for you.

    Hi Cathe, I have three Q's for you. 1. When I am doing standing lunges where the front leg and back leg should be at a 90' angle (Power Hour) I feel the most fatigue in the back leg in the thigh area. If I stop it is because of that. Is that normal. I am working through the heel on the front...
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    New Year's Resolutions?

    Thanks for the information. I almost didn't go because it didn't know if it would be that much nicer than the Coronado in Disney World. Apparently it is a chance in a lifetime. I am more excited hearing from someone that has been there. Tracy
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    New Year's Resolutions?

    Mine are pretty much the same as Stacy's. I am also going to try to be more organized. I would like to lose 10 lbs before going to Alantis resort in the Bahama's the first week in Feb. Wish me luck. I will be reading this forum for will power every day. Thanks to everyone on the forum for...
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    O/T: Favorite Books?

    I read the Lilac Bus and thought it was great. Have you read that one? Ttacy