Back Surgery


Hello, Everyone:

I don't post often but have been a daily reader for several years. Last November I ruptured my L5-S1 disc and ended up needing emergency surgery to remove the piece of disc that was crushing my sciatic nerve. About 60% of the disc material remains.

I'm posting now for two reasons.

1. I'm wondering if anyone else out there has been through this and what kind of activity you were able to return to. (I know everyone's unique, but I'm not getting out much these days, so any communication is much appreciated.) Two months out of surgery I'm still having trouble sitting, which is why I haven't been around here lately. I'm walking up to 90 minutes a day, getting in intervals with hills, but the surgeon won't let me do anything else except light arm exercises while lying in bed with 5 lb. weights.

2. During the five weeks waiting for my surgery I was put on an array of drugs to keep my brain from registering the excruciating pain. I received no real counseling or information about what Vicodin and Ativan do to you, both while you are gtuzzling them just to stay sane, and much worse, while you are trying to get off them. My pain was gone right after surgery, so there was no need to take anything but a little anti-inflammatory to aid with swelling. Someone said something about tapering off, but no one told me how, so, since I had loathed taking the stuff from the beginning, I quit after only a couple days of tapering. The withdrawl was almost unbearable. It reminded me of those films about heroin addicts they used to show us in Junior High. I just want to share with you folks that if you ever are on narcatics for a long time, please get help in getting off them, and make sure your family understands what's going on.

Thanks for taking the trouble to read this. I miss you all. Did Cathe have her baby yet? Honeybunch, I was thinking of trying some of your recipes while I'm laid up, but I've alrerady put on ten pounds so I'll have to wait until I can do it as a reward.

Hi Ann,
I posted this for Sarah a couple weeks back.- Her post was labeled herniated disk.
Hi Sarah,
I had a big bulge on my disk. I think it was L4? I was in pain for 3 years before I got a referal to see a neurosurgeon. He said I needed surgery. I did it. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had pretty good results. I recovered really slow. Some people can get up and walk the same night. I unfortunately thought I was going to die of pain. I was hurting really bad for about 2 weeks. Some people don't hurt that bad. I had the surgery in April and I think I was doing aerobics by August. I was walking a lot in the meantime. I am pretty much pain free. I have had a few episodes where my back has hurt and I did get another MRI. Nothing but a little scar tissue. One episode lasted 3 moinths and others are a couple of days. I do Cathe tapes all the time. I am doing great except for the scar. I hope this helps some. I had a bulge on my disk not a herniated one. I will keep checking this post to see if you have anymore questions. If you are in pain everyday I would go for the surgery.
Take Care,

If you have any questions I will keep checking.

First, of all, I feel for You!!! Has anyone said anything against lying on a mat to do ab work--simple crunches, obliques--nothing to strain the back muscles?

Dear Murph aand Tracy:

Thanks for your replies. No one has told me anything about working my abs except that I'm not allowed to yet.

Tracy, how much of your original disc is left? Was your three-month episode because your scar tissue flared up? My surgeon warned me about that. Your story sounds very encouraging. Thanks so much for sharing it.


I think I have the full disk. It was a large bulge and they cut it open and stuff came out. I ended up haveing another MRI because of the long flare up and my surgeon said I had very little scar tissue. He never said what he thought the pain was from. I really don't know what happened there. It was almost like I had never had surgery and was worse at night. I couldn't even roll from my back to my side. It ended up working itself out. Weird. Now I sometimes have trouble if I sleep in another bed or a certain chair will make it hurt right away. I hope it all works out for you. I know that stretching 2 times every day will work wonders.
Take Care,

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