New Year's Resolutions?


Just curious if anyone has made any. I usually don't make them but my goals for 2002 are:

1. More Yoga;
2. Less sugar;
3. Relax more;
4. Stress less; and
5. Get more sleep!

2 thru 5 are going to require a complete lifestyle overhaul ;-) !

All the best to everyone for 2002!

My new Year's resolution is to keep up the weight training I have been doing. The PS series and S&H are just the greatest. I can't believe how much better I feel and look since lifting consistently since August.

Sometimes it is hard to do the weights when you are so addicted to cardio.

1. Continue working out 5 times per week
2. Eat the cleanest possible
3. Button my favorite jeans
4. Dont be too easily discouraged when 1-3 don't happen overnight.

Happy Holidays,

Mine are pretty much the same as Stacy's. I am also going to try to be more organized. I would like to lose 10 lbs before going to Alantis resort in the Bahama's the first week in Feb. Wish me luck. I will be reading this forum for will power every day. Thanks to everyone on the forum for being there and understanding.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-01 AT 01:25PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-01 AT 06:51 AM (Est)[/font]

I want to be:

even more open minded and less critical (every person has his/her quirks, but that doesn't make them bad. I sure have my share!) I work in a perfect place to soak up a lot of good stuff, and I really want to pay attention.
Hi Tracy,
Just wanted to say that you're going to love the Atlantis in the Bahamas. No words can describe what an awesome paradise it is!
I hope you love it as much as I did. Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the information. I almost didn't go because it didn't know if it would be that much nicer than the Coronado in Disney World. Apparently it is a chance in a lifetime. I am more excited hearing from someone that has been there.
My resolutions are to:

1. eat more fruits/vegies
2. stay consistent with my exercise program
3. add a pilates routine in once a week
4. enjoy my family and life every day!

Happy new year.
Cleaner eating is what I want to do this year.....that and working on my flexibility.


[marquee]I CAN DO THIS [marquee]
Mine is to get back to my AM workout habit. It flew out the window after 9/11. I have had sleep problems since 9/11 as well. Anyway, since I have been taking valerian root to help me sleep I have managed for the past 4 days to get up at 5:30 and workout. It is my hope to do this for the next 6 weeks, until it is once again habit. posted 10-25-2001 07:23 PM


...Susan on the cleaner eating and flexiblity. I have improved my eating this year after learning sooo much from the educated crowd here, but it STILL needs work. I also would like to add either Pilates or Yoga style workouts. I know one way I would do this for SURE. That would be if Cathe came out with a tape of this style of workout. HINT-HINT!!! Another thing I would like to work on is being kind to EVERYONE I meet and to appreciate how very much we are BLESSED in this country. Wishing you all GOOD LUCK with your NY's Resolutions.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My resolutions are to:
1. improve my flexibility
2. clean up my diet
3. hopefully as a result of cleaning up my diet, lose the last 10 pounds!
4. maintain a positive attitude and be less critical of others.

Happy Holidays Everyone! Thanks to all for providing inspiration throughout the year!

Hi everyone and happy holidays. My resolution for the new year is to eat clean and not to eat at night in front of the tv. This last couple of weeks at work has been so bad with all the goodies coming in every day. I've probably gained 10 pounds. Mary[/img]This is what I feel like right now.
I feel like I've gained, too---but I've done worse over other holiday seasons, so I guess I'm not that bad.

I also will second the deletion of late night eating from my schedule in 2002 along with eating clean. I'll allow 3 servings a week of unnutritional indulgences---if my cake slice is 2 servings, I'll simply have one left for the week---this could be difficult since I'm studying abroad in London next semester and hear their chocolate is to die for---and knowing I'll be going to the Pubs w/ friends won't help much either.

Still, my health is more important, and I'm determined to coming home 5 lbs on the lighter side rather than 10 lbs of additional baggage. Maybe this will be due to long walks scoping out the city :).

Thanks for allowing me to write my goals! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
RE: Okay, here goes

In the fitness department I would like:

To be as disciplined and motivated with clean eating as I currently am with my workouts. To that end, I will eliminate all night eating (even if my honey is indulging) and go back to one cheat day per week.

In the personal department I would like:

To be a better parent and communicate better with my children in a more constructive fashion. I tend to be a yeller at times and I know it does not work. I also need to relearn some behaviours and try not to react quite so quickly to situations. (I find that nobody knows how to push the buttons better than my kids). To this end, I have some good reading to do with the STEP (systematic training for effective parenting) program and teens (which my daughter is fast approaching).

I am sure there are more things that I could improve on but this is a start.

RE: Okay, here goes

My 2002 resolutions are:

1. Go to church at least twice a month.
2. Lose that last 10 lbs.
3. To work job-share at my job by June.
4. I am a Premier Designs Master Jeweler, and I would like to
sponsor 2 people by June.

Happy New Year everyone, and the best of luck with your goals!!!

Lori S.
RE: Okay, here goes

I'm curious as to what a Premier Designs Master Jeweler is??? It sounds intriquing.
RE: Okay, here goes

The ATLANTIS is a dream world!!!!! Great beach, awesome water slide that goes through a shark tank!

My resolution: Drink more water, less diet coke.

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