Weight loss checkin


Sooooooo........how is everyone doing? :)

I had sort of a mediocre week. I did workout but not as I had planned.....I got my period and I was really tired nearly all week http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/smilie_bett.gif[/img] . I am heading into menopause and the body is full of surprises. I had the desire to do good I just didn't have the energy.

My weight is not so bad...I lost 2# in spite of myself because I didn't eat really healthily. I often think it would be nice to have a personal chef...they would plan the menu and prepare all the good for me stuff and I would just have to eat it. I like that part :9! I think the planning part is the toughest part for me.

Anyway, this is me and my week.....hope your week went well :).

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif
Hi Susan :)

Congratulations on the 2#~ WooooHoooooo! And isn't it especially nice when it comes on a week you weren't really expecting to lose much at all! Our bodies are such a mystery! :)

My week was fair once again, workout wise was fine, I get up too early for anyone to mess that up for me :), but my eating is still a tad out of control. I didn't do too bad, but I downed a 1/2 pint of Turtle's Sundae ice cream, and finished off those d*#n chocolate truffles (from last weeks binge) like they were fat free or something on Friday and Saturday, and felt sooooooo guilty about it, I almost didn't weigh in this am, but surprise, surprise, I dropped 3# in spite of myself! (It's the CTX~I'm convinced!)
But this week I am really planning to eat clean and healthy, and try to kick this "sweet tooth" thing that has caught me the past 2 weeks.
I'm still on the CTX rotation, this is week 3.
Hope you feel better this week, I just read something about women that workout getting zapped of strength during their periods, seems we need to make sure we're taking in enough iron.
See ya :)
My week went ok, my wekend was terrible!!!! I am giving up on diets and weightloss plans. I am going to use my head, and eat healthfully. I am going to try to have 3 cheat meals per week. I have to get on the bandwagon here. I cut my workouts down to 1 hour, instaed of 1 1/2. That was really hurting me knowing I have to workout for that long. I am going to try to be better this week.

CONGRATULATIONS both of you guys on losing weight this week. You did a great job!!!!
I too had a good week numbers wise despite my best efforts at medicority... I was down too but didn't exercise or eat particularly well.

I saw the surgeon today and will have my gallbladder removed next Tuesday. I can do aerobics as soon as I feel up to it and lift light weights (nothing over 20 pounds for one month!) This seems like a good time to really get into Cathe's step tapes!!!

Have a good week! Katie
Hello, ladies!! Well, I didn't weigh myself this morning. I'm PMSing in a big way, so I feel like, well, just gross. My workouts were great, and my eating could have been better. :( Well, maybe I'll weigh myself tomorrow.....maybe....but, I have to say, Sunday I wore a skirt that I have not been able to wear in a long time!!! :) :) :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-02 AT 07:33PM (Est)[/font][p]My week was pretty good as far as workouts go, but eating...forget it!! I gained 2 lbs :( I need to get back on the bandwagon this week, I not only fell off the bandwagon last week, I think it ran me over!! Congrats to everyone for getting thru another week. I heard a cute saying.....you've gotta lose the first pound to lose the second! Keep up the good work!! "See" ya next week!

Susan: I'll be your personal chef. I LOVE to plan meals and cook. The only time I have trouble with either of those things is when I am extremely tired....kind of like right now! Congrats on the 2 pounds.

Donna: Congrats on your 3 pounds. I absolutely adore chocolate truffles or chocolate anything for that matter.

Lori: I think you are wise to give up on specific "diets". Sometimes they just do not work for certain people. I really try to eat healthy all the time whether I am trying to lose weight or not.

Katie: Good luck with the surgery. Doesn't sound like you will be down too long.

Hollie: I know it made you feel great to fit into that skirt. That has to be one of the best feelings in the world.

Stacy: Don't feel too bad about the 2 pounds. Unfortunately it is just way too easy to gain weight. I am afraid to weigh right now because of this past weekend.

My week went pretty well but I splurged a litte on the weekend. I think it was a combination of working so hard on my house this week and being sooooooo tired. I just felt like I deserved something special. I really didn't do too bad but I am going to be extra good this week and weigh at the end of the week. Wish me luck!!!!!

Everyone keep up the good work and we will all be fitting in those clothes that we haven't gotten into for a while. Keep a happy thought!!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Funny how things go, I too lost weight and have not exercised as many times as I had planned. There were even two DQ blizzards consumed in a matter of days - Georgia Mud flavor umm good. Well actually the second one wasn't as good as the first. I should have know it wouldn't be. You know - just because something is good doesn't mean more is better. I know this, just need to practise a bit more.

Go figure. There must be a secret formula that worked for me, I just don't know what it was.

Anyway, I'm usually so happy to lose a few pounds that it comes right back. Not this time, I want to keep this off and try for more. I like the idea of "you have to lose a pound to lose the second" one.

I've been busy and more organized lately and that seems to take the emphasis off food. Probably a good thing.

I don't exactly want to diet - just eat smarter and healthier.

Well, one of my goals is to not get over tired and over eat. It's getting a little late so I need to get my weigh less rest.

Just wanted to add, I loved the comment about wearing tight clothes around the house when you don't want to indulge. I thought I was the only one who did stuff like that. It's so nice to know there are others out there who think like I do. It made me smile.

I'm feeling pretty good right now, so here's to keeping it going and going and going........

I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette

Can I join the check-in? I stepped on the scale this morning and I was horrified to see 180 lbs. I wanted to LOSE 5 lbs for my birthday, not gain them. Are any of you stress eaters? I've gotten way behind in my work due to family matters and obviously its put on the pounds. They say that you eat more when you're sleep deprived and I've been too tired to exercise. I can't do all-nighters anymore. I feel it for days. I've also been taking my mom out to eat to cheer her up, but I didn't think I was eating THAT much.

This has happened before and luckily I decided to do mini strengh training workouts. I've been doing the CTX (just upper body) since January and I've upped from my initial wimpy weights. I wanted to create a base of Something that I wouldn't lose quickly and I like working my upper body--you see results fast. I used to do cardio, but I got smart because a family matter or obligation would come up and I'd lose all my efforts by the time I was able to start again. Well, I'm going to do Bicepts and maybe try S&H Legs today. Hopefully, this check-in will keep my focused.

Just wanted to welcome you to our group Helen! I eat when I am upset or stressed. It's hard to control that urge sometimes but I'm doing a lot better than I use to. A couple of years ago I weighed 205 (I'm 5'9")and then I lost down to 163 but I am at 173 right now. I would really like to get down to 155 to 160 and stay there....for good!!! I am close but these last pounds do not seem to want to come off too easily.

Anyway, glad you could join us!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Bad news is - I didn't lose any weight but the good news is - it's that time of month so I was just glad that I didn't gain.
I just finished my second week of Slow & Heavy. This series is so hard (IMO) but I love the way I feel pumped after a workout. I start my 3rd week of S&H tonight. I swear I felt stronger after just one week of S&H but I'm not sure that it's possible to actually get stronger in only one week.

My eating has been pretty good this week except for those chocolate teddy grahams that I supposedly buy for my kindergartner.

I've been experiencing quite a bit of anxiety lately. I'm trying to find a new job and I think the added stress of that on top of family, work, commute, and housework is getting me down. I also found out this weekend that my Dad was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last week. I've been trying to learn all I can about diabetes also. I want to buy him some books on healthy recipes so if any of you have a suggestion of what book to buy him, please let me know. I want to remain positive but I'm terribly worried that my Dad will not eat right and I know this is a serious disease if a person doesn't take care of themselves properly. (Well I guess it's serious either way, but it becomes more serious if you don't take care of yourself from what I've read). I plan to do all I can to help him. If anybody has any ideas on how I can help him, please give me any advice and suggestions you have.

This diagnosis also hits home about my own weight problem. I'm only 12 or so lbs overweight, but any excess weight can help to cause diabetes (from what I've read). And I've always been slightly overweight. So I intend on getting VERY serious with my diet as well as trying to help my son make better choices.

My war on sugar/and fat has just begun!! And I plan on winning.

Have a great week everybody!
Welcome from me too Helen :).

You have come to a good place, I feel very encouraged by hearing everyones ups and downs...we have a lot in common.

Congrats to all on the weight losses and smaller sizes...good luck with the surgery Katie....and hey, maybe that 2# was muscle Stacy!

Hey, Kelly, how about flying up to Canada and cleaning my house and making me a lot of 'good for me meals' to put in the freezer? Wanna? ;-)

Well I should get this show on the road and do something with my day...off to do a workout and put on my tight pants (Paulette :D) again.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Can you use another joiner? I'd like to check in with you folks too. I've read some of your posts in the other areas. Everyone is so nice and helpful :)
I was inspired to see that others have trouble with trigger foods. Any thing sweet temps me. I am only about 5 pounds over weight, but have a 41 year old "belly" that bugs me. I know if I eat clean I'll be fine, but I need to get on track.
Exercising with Cathe is never a problem for me, and that is probably why I'm not heavier.
Have a good week all, and thanks :)
Welcome Helen and likes2bfit! I hope you find these posts as helpful as I do.

Kelly and Susan thank you for the kind words and taking the time to say something personal to everyone. It always lifts my spirits to see your rejoinders.

Lisa, does your dad cook for himself? Or are you looking for the cookbooks for yourself? My favorite (I'm NOT a cook but I like GOOD food) is Eating Well Rush Hour Cookbook. These are complete meal plans that are a snap to fix but still incorporate really good, tasty foods. Best of all, for me, the instructions are like Cathe's cuing - detailed and very easy to follow.

Hi Everyone,
I have not weighed myself since Christmas. Then I weighed 148 after losing 2 lbs. I am sure I have gained that back since I have went on vacation, moving and living out of a suitcase. I have started weight watchers point system today. We'll see if I can stick to it. Ideal weight is 125 for me. I am 5'3.

Exercise has been non existent for 1 month or so. Was getting up at 5:00 am to do them and now it I haven't been able to do it. I read something in a fitness magazine that I want to share with you. I can't remember the exact words but it said that we have the power to shape our lives and we are in control of how we wake up each day and how we feel when we go to bed every night. Exercise your options.

Hopefully I can stay in control with WW and resist the urge to drink and have fun.....
Have a good week.
You are so right, Tracy, attitude has a lot to do with how we handle things and life is full of choices. We can choose to make ourselves healthier and set goals to get there.....one step at a time.

Welcome :) to our checkin and good luck with sticking with your points diet. If you are like me you may have trouble staying clean every day but it sounds like you have the right mindset right now.

Hi, Kelly.....we have driven through Alabama on the way to Florida and it is indeed a very long way to go just to cook someone dinner! I think I'll stay in Canada....we do have cold winters http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/krank.gif[/img] (not so bad this year though).....but it is home.

Welcome to likes2bfit too. I guess the closer you get to your goal weight the slower the loss is, eh? I have about 20 to go....still.....best intentions but so indisciplined! Just remember that the scale isn't everything...it is how your clothes fit and how you feel and all that other stuff your mother would tell you....but you know that already :). 'See' you around.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Hi everyone,
I used to post here, but haven't for a while. I'd like to re-join you all if I may. :)
I was inspired by K60's story....and am on my 2nd day of being sugar-free and white-flour-free. I've tried to do this before, but haven't succeeded. I believe that if i can stick with this way of eating, I will lose my extra weight. As of yesterday, I was 146 lbs and am 5'2". I am hoping to post a bit of a loss by next week.
Thanks guys!
Tracy- thanks for sharing "The Attitude". It is contagious!

Realizing that WE have ALL the control over our results is helpful. BTW I have done WW points, and pretty much have lived by them, since 1998. When staying on the points program, I found that I maintained my weight. (There have been times when I have strayed away, but I always go back)

I still live mainly by the WW points program; it allows freedom but requires responsibility ( in a positive way!)

good Luck:)
Lisa: Sounds like you are going through quite a bit right now. I know stress causes me to eat more and therefore gain weight. I'm working on that. If you are just maintaining through all this then you are doing great. I hope your dad does well with his diabetes. It can be controlled and you can live a long and healthy life if you take care of yourself. It is so important that he eat right and exercise. I know you will be an encouragement to him.

Likes2bfit: If you only have 5 pounds to go then you are sooooo close. I didn't have a belly until my son was born and now I have had to work on it and it probably will never be totally flat like it was. That's okay, my son is very much worth it.:)
Good luck with those 5 pounds and the sweet tempation. That's a tuffy.

Tracy: Now you know you can lose weight AND have fun too, right????? :) I have never tried weight watchers but I bet it will work for you. Stay positive and you'll see results. I'm sure of it.

Deb: Welcome! I hope you can post a loss next week. We all want to be losers! Anyway, good luck and keep us updated!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif

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