Fiber - how much?


How many grams of fiber should an active woman get? Figuring they consume about 1500 - 1600 calories a day? Thanks!!! Besides Kashi, beans, certain fruit skins, what foods are high in dietary fiber? Thanks again.
I really like wheat chex as a snack. I think 1 cup has 5 grams of fiber. I'm really interested in other ideas too. Katie
That's a really good idea! I snack on Kashi for the fiber, but Wheat Chex sounds like a good alternative for days where I've already had Kashi at breakfast. Thanks! And thanks to Bobbi too! 35 grams sounds do-able to me!
Hi! I just happen to be lurking and thought I'd add my 2 cents (if you don't mind :))....Fiber One cereal contains 14 grams for fiber per 1/2 cup, which helps to make it very easy to get your daily required intake of fiber.

I hope this helps. :)

I try to eat oatmeal in the mornings. Not the processed kind but regluar old fashioned oats. 1/2 cup has 4 grams of fiber. Also fruits and veggies have fiber. I believe berries are pretty fiberous. I also by some bread by Alvarado Stret Bakery (California Style) that has 2 grams of fiber per slice, so 4 grams for a sandwich. Beans are a good fiber source also.

1 medium apple has 2-3 grams of fiber
1/2 cup blueberries 2 grams fiber
1 cup strawberries 3.5 grams fiber
1/2 cup black beans 7 grams fiber
1/2 cup broccoli or cauliflower 1.2 grams fiber
1/2 cup carrots 2 grams fiber

>But how does it taste? (without

Well...honestly,I wouldn't say it's delicious, but it doesn't taste bad either :)

I eat between 1,500 and 1,600 calories a day and I get between 35 - 50 grams a day. With my fiber that high, my fat intake is really low. Not because I'm eating low fat this or fat free that, it's because the higher the fiber food, the lower in fat it just naturally is.

Just my diet.

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I've been eating Fiber One for a long time, and will say that it tastes a LOT better than All Bran. I mix it with Kashi, and that combination is really good, plus Kashi has more protein. If you start out with Fiber One, it's easy to get a lot of fiber in one day.

Don't forget beans (legumes)!!!
Hi Everyone,
I eat fiber one in my yogurt. I think it tastes pretty good. I will also mix it in with my Kashi sometimes. It is good enough to eat when you get 14 grams per 1/2 cup.

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