Curves for Women?


Active Member
Has anyone heard of Curves for Women centers? I saw an ad that they were hiring in my area, but when I went to the website it looked kinda shady.:p
Hi Colette,

I don't know anything about Curves other than one opened up in my area (Chambersburg,PA.) a few years ago. I've never toured the facility, but I receive flyers every few months with specials, etc., as though they are trying to bring in business.
But this one has been here for at least 2 years, so they may just be new, couldn't hurt to check em out?
Hi Colette,
Curves is a 1/2 hour work out on resistance weight machines at an aerobic pace. They have several different stations such as a bicep/tricep, squat, skier machines and a board for jogging. You go from machine to machine. Each machine is about 30 seconds. In the aerobic phase you have the resistence on low for aerobics and sometimes there is a strength phase where you set the resistence harder. This all happens to music. This form of training has been out for 5 or more years now. Sometimes it is called Pace. My experience with it is that I get bored with it. People do see results from this and it is just a 1/2 hour. Normally you can try it for free or they have a free open house. Give it a try and see if you like it. I have seen it in 2 towns that I have lived in and they were not shady at all.
Take Care,
Shady? Ha-ha. That's funny. I wouldn't say that they are shady, but I know what you mean. When I first heard about Curves, I too was skeptical. I mean, exactly how effective can a 30 minute workout can be? I suppose it's better than nothing, and that if it's done consistently, then it would eventually yield results. It's just that I usually think of 30 minute workouts as maintainence, but to lose weight, I think you need to kick it up to at least 45 minutes.

Anyway, Curves has about a dozen facilities in the Dallas area, and I think they plan to add more. I do think they are a reputable company. My understanding is that their exercises are a variation of circuit training, with the multiple stages that were described in another post. I think their target market is overwieight, middle-aged women who would use being too busy as an excuse as to why they don't work out.

I had a friend going there for awhile, but she stopped when she changed jobs and the club was not conveniently located. What my friend really liked about Curves was that it was an all female gym. She said at her size (~18/20), she did not want to work out in front of men. She also liked the short (30 minute) work-outs. She said she did see results, but she had altered her eating too.

Good luck if you decide to pursue it!
I've only heard of one person who goes to the one in our area. She is not someone who is physically fit, even though she goes to this 3-4 time a week for several months now. She does not look overweight, either.

She visited my hi-lo aerobics class with a friend. These are ladies and men in their upper 40's, 50's and 60's who can all keep up just fine. This lady had to have a seat in the only chair in the room. She couldn't keep up with a beginner level class.

She said she would not be back because this workout was way too vigourous for her.

So . . . . how much good has Curves done for her?????
I kind of agree with "how much good has curves done for her". Probably not much if she is not pushing herself. I used to teach a pace class (same as curves) and I know a few people that did it all the time that didn't put forth the effort to get winded and/or sweat. You are at your own pace not the pace of a instructor so it is kind of hard to keep pushing yourself. As I said before it gets boring. The places that have these workouts usually start with an instructor then after a few months they can't justify paying one so people come on their own at specified times and run the tapes themselves. Not very motivating. Just my experiences with it.
I joined our local Curves last year, but I went every day and watched what I ate. I lost about 3 1/2" in 3 months or so. But, and this could have been due to the time I was going, it was mostly elderly ladies who loved to meet and chit-chat! :) think it is a fine place for beginners and/or the elderly...they really enjoyed the exercise.

For me to feel that I have worked out- I need to be sweating and I NEVER worked up a sweat at Curves.

Just my .02!

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