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  1. S

    O/T...does anyone sponsor a child?

    Sponsorship I sponsor a little girl from the Dominican Republic, through Children International. I've only been doing it for a few months, so I don't know yet how it will go. It seems like a nice thing to do - helping a child who is in need... :), and this one is only $15 a month (but you can...
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    Cathe's trying to kill me!

    >I always laugh in one of the videos...can't remember which >one, where Cathe makes the comment. " I don't hear any >breathing back there." I always remark back, "That's cause we >are all dead." LOL!! I feel the same way!! After she says she doesn't hear any breathing, she says "That's...
  3. S

    Don't You Just Love It When

    Hi DeQuendre!! It's your pal from the LHCF ("Lindy"), and YES!!! I love those days when you just feel sooo strong and like you could do cardio for hours!! Isn't it funny how some days are like that, and others you have to struggle to get through your workout?? I like to work out extra hard...
  4. S

    IMAX2 - Flying Jacks

    I can't do those flying jacks either!! Not even when I'm NOT tired - I think it's just that I'm not very flexible (even when sitting on the floor and stretching, I can't get my legs apart very far!!)
  5. S

    Rhythmic Step - harder than it looks

    Does anyone else despise the "Challenge" section at the end??? I just really feel that she goes through the whole routine two too many times. I think doing it twice would be sufficient - not FOUR times!! Sometimes I only do it two times and then FF the tape to the almost non-existent cooldown...
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    I actually think Imax2 is tougher for me than Imax1, simply because I find Imax1 DOABLE. A couple of the intervals in Imax2 are impossible for me to do!! I can't even jump in that interval where you hop from one end of the step to the other. By the end of it, I'm only getting up a couple of...
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    SNM: Bloopers on New Vids?

    Can you imagine Brenda saying >"You b*tch! Are you trying to kill us?" That would be >hysterical!!!! It sure would be!! I know that's exactly what I'M thinking some days when I do certain Cathe tapes!!! }(
  8. S

    I did M.I.C!!!!

    Last night I did M.I.C. and I actually did the whole tape!!! I usually just do the low & medium impact sections then fast forward the tape to the step section and do that on an 8 inch step, but last night I decided to try to do the entire hi/lo section, then do the step section on a 6 inch step...
  9. S

    Sweating bucketfuls!

    Regarding the fact that the more fit you are, the more or the sooner you start to sweat... does this apply in general, as well?? Such as, will a fit person sweat more and sooner just walking around outside on a hot day than someone who isn't as fit? I suspect this is true, cuz I do tend to...
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    LOL!! You guys are cracking me up about being scared when the music changes... I know EXACTLY what you mean!! It's like, "Oh no, here it comes!!!" The BOOGEYMAN!!!! LOL!!!!;-)
  11. S

    IMAX-1 vs 2

    Hmmm... IMO, Imax 2 feels harder for me at times, than IMAX 1. Maybe that's because I've been doing IMAX 1 for a long time...??? There are a couple of intervals on IMAX 2 that just seem BRUTAL!! Namely the one where you have to hop on the floor the length of the step and then do tuck jumps...
  12. S

    IMAX 1 and 2

    Does anyone ever mix and match the intervals from these tapes? Last night I decided to mix it up and do Imax 1 the first 5 intervals, and then Imax 2 the first 5 intervals. I actually was feeling so good that I ended up doing 6 intervals from Imax2. Anyway, this was a killer. Not sure if...
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    Full time work and working out?

    RE: Welcome to the real world... I normally exercise when I get home from work; that means I'm working out by 5 p.m. Although I only do this 3 or 4 days a week for an hour and a half each session(M,W,F, & alternate Sundays) it is sometimes so hard to fit these workouts in. I have a 13 yr. old...
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    An Observation on Hair

    I was doing StepJam earlier today and I was looking at a couple of the other girls working out on the tape and oh my gosh!! Looking at them was making me crazy because they had such long hair and they didn't have it pinned up!! I can't even imagine working out without pinning my hair up. I...
  15. S

    What is Imax 2 like?

    I agree with everyone else!! I love this workout!! Cardio & Weights is also terrific!! I absolutely love the music in both! Very motivating to have great music in a workout...:)
  16. S

    Ever pull out one of Cathe's older cardios......

    I usually use 4 risers (8 inch height) when I do Cathe's step tapes such as StepFit, StepJam, PowerMax, etc. But when doing IMax 1 and 2, and Circuit Max, I use 2 risers (6 inch height)!!
  17. S

    The pill

    I have been on Yasmin for about 3 months, and it's great. It helps tremendously with water weight gain, which I had CONSTANTLY when I was taking Tri-Norinyl (for years). Maybe you should give it a try. I can't say I've experienced any negative side effects with the Yasmin, except that the...
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    4 those of us "snowed in"...

    I live in Westchester Cty., NY, and we got about 8 inches so far. Today was my rest day...(Yaaay!!) so I went to work this morning, but was let out early. Home by 12:30, ate lunch and went straight upstairs and watched TV for the rest of the day. Took a nice snooze in between shows, too!! And...
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    J-LO's new video ?

    Just to let you guys know... Ben isn't slapping J-Lo's butt in the video, he's KISSING IT!!!! Go, J-LO, Go, J-LO!!!!! :* :* :*
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    Re: IMAX

    I will be doing I-MAX tonight... Afterwards, I do a short (15 mins.) Upper Body work with light dumbbells, and also an ab workout. How in the world can you do a lower body toning tape after all those plyo-jumps, lunges, and squats????!!!! You people are out of your minds.... :-wow :-wow...