IMAX-1 vs 2


Is IMAX-1 easier than IMAX-2? I only have IMAX-2, and love it, but find it very difficult. I was wondering if it would be worth buying IMAX-1.

Hi, Sharon! IMHO, I-Max 1 is slightly more challenging than I-Max 2, but Cathe does provide modifications for each of the mean intervals so you can work your way up the ladder of pain and pride. }(

I certainly think it's worth the investment for you; interval training is so great for cardiovascular/pulmonary conditioning, and Cathe Interval Training is also awesome for leg conditioning as well. Plus it's good to have a variety of interval workouts.

I just want to agree completely with Aquajock. I encourage you to get it. It's worth it. Maybe if I could only have one Cathe cardio, it would be this one.
Thanks for the quick replies! One more question, is the music as good in IMAX-1 as it is in IMAX-2?

No. The music in IMAX 1 is not that great. I would think if you already have IMAX 2, that IMAX 1 would be a huge dissapointment. BUT, it is still a great workout. It was my fav until IMAX 2 came out. I just love rockin' music though and IMO IMAX 2 is #1 in that dept!! I also find IMAX 2 harder, but that is just me...

Vive la difference . . .

I personally prefer the music in I-Max 1 to that in I-Max 2; however, it could be that because I cut my teeth on Cathe workouts with I-Max, there's just a familiarity and comfort level there.

Another thing I like about I-Max 1 is that the "official" warm-up is much more extended, and a real tub-thumper.

I prefer Imax 1 to Imax 2, in fact I still daren't do Imax 2 :eek: , even though I love the music.

I have to agree Annette, about the Imax 1 warm up, I love it, it has to be the best warm up ever invented !!!!!!! And the warm up music is fantastic !!!!! :D I quite often do this warm up before Power Hour, to get nice and 'toasty' LOL

Anna :)
I LOVE the two IMaxes! They are my favorite workouts!I totally agree with AJock and Anna - the Imax warm up is the best in videoland!

there are as many opinions as there are individuals.

I would not necessarily rush out to buy Imax 1 since you already have number 2 and find it a challenge. You may prefer to get Circuit Max for now, for example, if you are looking to spend money on a tough workout and the different style of Circuit Max will challenge you in different ways.

Personally I find Imax 1 tougher than Imax 2 but there are several factors at play here and whether you or others find it tougher or easier than Imax 2 will depend on how your body reacts to those factors that differentiate the 2 videos.

Imax 1 has most of the interval blasts done off the step, and the same movement is repeated for the whole minute (continual star jumps or power scissors, for example) so there is no variation and it can be a bit grim sometimes thinking that you are stuck in a move you find exhausting for a minute with no respite. A minute will never have seemed so long...... Imax 1 is therefore a greater psychological battle I find.

The blasts in Imax 2 include variation so while the intensity is maintained, you get to do several different moves within that minute, and for some people this matters (me!!!!) because you are then able to mentally push further for longer. The blasts in Imax 2 are primarily on the step and so some feel Imax 2 has a dancier feel. This explains why A-Jock overwhelmingly prefers Imax 1 which is athletic through and through. If you are someone who prefers Step Works and Rythmic Step to Hi/Lo and circuit style workouts, then Imax 2 will be the interval workout for you.

Again, musical taste is such a personal thing, Imax 1 has mono-thematic music, there's not a lot of variation, it's more of a steady thumping beat keeping to the time of the minute's blast. Imax 2 has songs sung by real people and some are motivating in the extreme. I would say that if you are someone who tunes out the music as background interference and prefers steady state instrumentals, then Imax 1 will suit you. On the other hand if you feel your motivation waning and you need some rocking music to get the blood pumping, then Imax 2 is truly magical and does this for me every time.

There are times when I dread Imax 1. I never dread Imax 2, everything about it suits me better and it leaves me feeling like I've flown to the moon and back, it's such a rush.

And again, there are many opinions out there on warm ups. I hate the warm up of Imax 1. I hate to start getting jumping in the warm up leaving me tired already by the first interval.... I find the warm up too high impact so I always modify it to low impact at this section. This warm up seems nothing to rave about to me, my fave of all time is the warm up to Rythmic Step. But everyone's different!

Hope this helps

Hi Sharon!
I love both Imax and Imax 2. I feel they are great interval workouts and my cardio capacity has increased with both of these workouts. I like having both of them for the various reasons posted here. I do not regret buying both of them. Good luck in your decision. Imax 2 is more "dancy" but I don't find it's as dancy as Rhythmic Step. As stated earlier the music is great in Imax 2 but I also enjoy the music in Imax - it's different. Variety is the spice of life and hey can one really own too many Cathe workouts? }(
Wow Clare..great breakdown of the vid...I also love the WU of RS!!!

My advice to anyone contempating the purchase of a new Cathe vid is to just get them all. The huge DVD pack if possible. You will want them all eventually anyway. I have not yet preordered, I have procrastinated this time, but I will order the new set. It is to the point with me that I don't even feel guilty ordering a big Cathe package. I ALWAYS use all of it. It really is such a great deal when you consider you are buying absolute total fitness....

Hi Sharon,
I have both these workouts and in my opinion I think Imax 1 is harder. Don't get me wrong, they are both REALLY hard, but I just think she jumps a lot more in Imax 1.
I have had the same problem a lot of people have had with both workouts and that's not being able to get through the entire workout. I have to modify so much on both. I think I get the most winded though with Imax 1. I have to stop and march in place a lot to catch my breath and I thought I was in good shape!!! They are both great workouts!

I have both, love both, I-Max I is harder if you don't have it get it and give it a try }( }( }( }( you'll see.

Hmmm... IMO, Imax 2 feels harder for me at times, than IMAX 1. Maybe that's because I've been doing IMAX 1 for a long time...???

There are a couple of intervals on IMAX 2 that just seem BRUTAL!! Namely the one where you have to hop on the floor the length of the step and then do tuck jumps at the ends... Jeez!!!

I was planning on doing IMAX 1 this evening, but now I'm thinking about doing IMAX 2 instead!!!

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